
A Species Of Plant in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word a species of plant.

The English word "a species of plant" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

1.) púpol-senyora - a species of plant; flower bud; sprout; more...
2.) lipáng-kásti - a species of plant; spanish moss; old man's beard; more...
3.) kalambibít - a species of plant; more...
4.) kadayohan - a species of plant; flora; vegetation; plant species; more...
5.) bukingan - a species of plant; plant; flora; vegetation; more...
6.) molugoso - a species of plant; more...
7.) kiroy - a species of plant; more...
8.) pakupis - a species of plant; more...
9.) malapakpák - a species of plant; more...
10.) tagabilí - a species of plant; plant species; flora; more...
11.) kangkóng-da - a species of plant; swamp cabbage; water spinach; river spinach; more...
12.) malakagyós - a species of plant; plant; flora; vegetation; herb; more...
13.) milóng-uwák - a species of plant; more...
14.) milong-dagâ - a species of plant; mouse melon; mexican sour gherkin; melon pear; more...
15.) paypay-ámoinawa - a species of plant; more...
16.) malagoso - a species of plant; more...
17.) kuting-kutingan - a species of plant; more...

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