
Abrasion in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word abrasion.

The English word "abrasion" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

1.) pikat - scratch; a superficial skin wound caused by a sharp object; graze; abrasion; more...
2.) kakas - the removal of a part of anything over the passage of time; erosion; wear; attrition; abrasion; more...
3.) paknót - any part of the human or animal body that has been stripped of skin; abrasion; scrape; excoriation; more...
4.) latlát - a wound that is peeling off on the back of a horse or on a person's buttocks; abrasion; excoriation; scrape; scratch; more...
5.) galmós - a scratch or abrasion wound caused by nails, thorns, and others; scratch; abrasion; scrape; more...
6.) lakmós - the peeling of skin due to a burn, abrasion, or scalding; peeling; blistering; flaking; more...
7.) as-ás - abrasion; to make something smooth or fine by rubbing or grinding; grinding; smoothing; polishing; more...
8.) desgaste - damage or wear on machinery; wear; tear; erosion; abrasion; deterioration; more...
9.) dasdás - abrasion; scratch; scrape; graze; more...
10.) gulamos - a scratch or abrasion caused by nails, thorns, sharp grass, and others; scratch; abrasion; scrape; more...
11.) hadhád - [noun] abrasion; chafing; scrape; rub; more...
12.) halas - a scratch on the skin caused by a sharp blade or by cutting grasses such as cogon; scratch; abrasion; scrape; more...

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