
Barren in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word barren.

The English word "barren" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translation for the English word barren in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. baóg   [adjective] barren; sterile more...

More matches for "barren" in Tagalog:

1.) kutad - [noun] dry, barren land more...
2.) mabaóg - [verb] to become barren or sterile more...
3.) pisót - a whole fruit without contents or juice; barren fruit; barren; hollow; empty; more...
4.) tigám - dry; arid; barren; not productive, usually referring to soil or land; can also refer to a lack of moisture or the absence of rain; parched; desiccated; infertile; more...
5.) asog - sterile; barren; infertile; unproductive; fruitless; more...
6.) tahik - dry land that is far removed from the sea; barren land; barren; arid; desolate; dry; more...
7.) panát - wilted and empty, commonly used regarding fruit trees; withered; barren; empty; more...
8.) boóg - [adjective] barren; sterile more...
9.) palbóg - barren, like land that does not grow plants due to excessive cultivation; barren; infertile; unproductive; sterile; more...
10.) matsora - in animals, unable to bear offspring; barren; sterile; more...
11.) limawón - [adjective] barren; sterile more...
12.) binaog - [adjective] barren; sterile more...
13.) kumíl - barren, referring to a female; sterile; infertile; more...

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