
Blade in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word blade.

The English word "blade" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translation for the English word blade in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. talím   [noun] blade; knife or dagger blade; edge; point more...

More matches for "blade" in Tagalog:

1.) kalapâ - a part or branch of anything; rind of a fruit; prong of a fork or blade of scissors; ridge or summit of a row of mountains; segment; rind; prong; blade; ridge; summit; more...
2.) utngál - the sharp end or tip of an object, similar to that of a machete or bolo; point; tip; blade; more...
3.) tahadera - a small knife used for cutting; a cutter; cutter; knife; blade; more...
4.) ngalís - variant of 'kalis'; sword; dagger; blade; cutlass; more...
5.) taiis - a sharp knife; blade; cutter; dagger; more...
6.) galáb - 1. a sickle; a cutting tool with a curved blade and a wooden handle used for mowing or cutting grass. 2. a blade with a protruding handle, used for hooking and picking fruit. 3. a scratch or superficial cut on the skin or any surface. 4. the process of extracting juice from nipa palm to make wine or vinegar.; sickle; blade; scratch; extraction process; more...

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