
Blanket in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word blanket.

The English word "blanket" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translations for the English word blanket in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. balutin   [verb] to wrap something; to wrap something up; to cover something; to blanket something; to drape something; to encase something more...

More matches for "blanket" in Tagalog:

1.) baníg - [noun] mat; sleeping mat; blanket; * usually made of woven, dried coconut leaves, or bamboo more...
2.) karlitan - a blanket made of silk or cotton; blanket; coverlet; quilt; comforter; more...
3.) usmani - a type of blanket; blanket; cover; quilt; throw; more...
4.) linumpot - a quilt or blanket made from cotton used as a cover; quilt; blanket; coverlet; more...
5.) gagnan - a rough and blue blanket that was used in the past by the sangley.; blanket; cover; more...
6.) sapotanan - a type of blanket from borneo; blanket; coverlet; quilt; throw; more...
7.) lanib - the act of increasing or having increased the width of an object that is used as a foundation or layer, such as a mat, blanket, and others; expansion; widening; extension; more...
8.) barihán - a colorful and loosely woven blanket; blanket; coverlet; throw; more...
9.) balindáng - a thick blanket made in ilocos; blanket; quilt; coverlet; more...
10.) talampukan - a blanket from borneo; blanket; more...
11.) sapaksatol - a type of blanket; blanket; bedspread; coverlet; quilt; more...
12.) minalóng - a type of colorful blanket from the visayas; blanket; wrap; shawl; more...
13.) bagabay - a blanket made out of cotton and used as a cover; blanket; cover; quilt; more...
14.) blangkét - [noun] blanket more...
15.) kayompatá - a type of blanket originating from borneo; blanket; cover; quilt; throw; more...
16.) kumutan - [verb] to put a blanket on someone; to blanket something; to cover something with a blanket more...

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