
Bush in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word bush.

The English word "bush" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translation for the English word bush in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. palumpóng   [noun] shrub; bush more...

More matches for "bush" in Tagalog:

1.) anót - a type of shrub; shrub; bush; more...
2.) pamulaklakín - a type of small tree; shrub; bush; more...
3.) laiya - a shrub (harrisonia perforata) that grows 2-4 meters high, with thorny branches, hairy leaves, and the bark of the root is used as medicine for diarrhea; shrub; bush; more...
4.) manikan - a type of shrub or small tree; shrub; bush; small tree; more...
5.) malaputukáng-bagawák - a type of small tree; shrub; bush; sapling; more...
6.) malabulak - a shrub (justicia gendarussa) that grows to 2 meters tall, with stems that are reddish when young and become greenish as they mature; shrub; bush; more...
7.) palutpót - a small shrub, looks dry to the eye, but is eaten by animals.; shrub; bush; forage plant; more...
8.) lamparahán - a type of shrub; bush; shrub; more...
9.) pándakaki - a shrub (tabernaemontana pandacaqui) that typically grows densely in low-lying areas and reaches a height of 1-4 meters; shrub; bush; more...
10.) malasampaga - a type of small tree; shrub; bush; small tree; more...
11.) bantingí - a low tree with many leaves; shrub; bush; more...
12.) papalsis - a bush that is covered with short, gray, and somewhat white hairs, with leaves that are tough and pointed like teeth on the edges, light purple flowers, and fleshy blue berries; shrub; bush; more...
13.) kulutan - a type of shrub (triumfetta bartramia); shrub; bush; more...
14.) maláyantók - a type of small tree; shrub; bush; sapling; more...
15.) walis-habâ - a shrub (sida rhombifolia) that has a yellow stem and leaves; shrub; bush; sida rhombifolia; more...
16.) lintâng-baging - a type of shrub; shrub; bush; more...
17.) linu - a large and leafy shrub (scaevola frutescens) with thick branches and stems, silky and alternately growing leaves; shrub; bush; more...
18.) malaatis - a shrub (dasymaschalon clusi-florum) that has smooth leaves, sharp tips, and usually has a single flower that is yellowish in color, and can be used as a drying agent for wounds; shrub; bush; more...
19.) itmóng-uwák - a type of shrub; shrub; bush; more...
20.) tambalagisay - a species of small tree; shrub; bush; sapling; more...
21.) tambalisa - a grayish, hairy shrub with alternating leaves that are 15-30 cm long; shrub; bush; more...
22.) kasopangil - shrub (clerodendrum macrostigium), has broad leaves, and the white corolla is hairy; bush; shrub; more...
23.) páyangpayang - a shrub (flemingia strobilifera) that has small flowers and a swollen pod of seeds; also known as 'tabang-bayawak'.; shrub; bush; more...
24.) lipay - a kind of coarse shrub (family urticaceae) that has velvety thorns; shrub; bush; thorny shrub; more...
25.) kubatili - a type of shrub; shrub; bush; more...
26.) punglô-punglu`an - a type of small tree; shrub; bush; sapling; more...
27.) pangalangan - a shrub that is gray, hairy, and has alternating leaves that are 15-30 cm long; shrub; bush; more...
28.) bislot - a tree that grows about more or less 50 cm, with upright leaves that are smooth, and white flowers; shrub; bush; small tree; more...
29.) tigáw - a shrub that is covered with short, grayish, and white-speckled fur; the leaves are lance-shaped with tooth-like edges, the flowers are young lilac in color, and it bears fleshy, bluish fruit.; shrub; bush; more...
30.) malakapé - a type of shrub (canthium dicoccum) that grows about 3-4 meters high, with glossy and pointed leaves, white flowers, and inflorescences.; shrub; bush; more...
31.) tublí - a type of shrub; shrub; bush; more...
32.) panáparahan - a type of shrub (flemingia strobilifera) that has small flowers and swollen seed pods; also known as tabang-bayawak.; shrub; flemingia strobilifera; bush; more...
33.) liktáng - a type of shrub; bush; shrub; more...
34.) saligaw - a type of large shrub; bush; shrub; more...
35.) talosan - a species of small tree; shrub; bush; sapling; more...
36.) pakpák-balang - a species of small tree; small tree; shrub; bush; more...
37.) alagáw-gubat - a shrub that grows up to 4 meters high, with opposite smooth and heart-shaped leaves; bush; shrub; more...
38.) katuwít - a type of small tree; shrub; bush; sapling; more...
39.) dulitan - a plant (ganua obovatifolia) that bears small nut-like fruits and has coarse skin; bush; shrub; plant; more...
40.) katagpông-gubat - a shrub (psychotria luconiensis) that grows up to 5 meters, has smooth and oval-shaped leaves, white flowers, and fleshy yellow fruits; shrub; bush; more...
41.) silipáw - a kind of shrub; shrub; bush; more...
42.) talóng-pipít - a species of shrub (solanum insicum); eggplant shrub; bush; more...
43.) salinat - a small shrub (cephaloschefflera blancoi) that has clusters of narrow and pointed leaves on each stem, and has clusters of small fruits, native to the forests of luzon and mindanao; shrub; bush; more...
44.) balubó - a low-growing tree with fruit resembling kadyos (pigeon peas); bush; shrub; more...

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