
Candy in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word candy.

The English word "candy" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translation for the English word candy in Tagalog:

More matches for "candy" in Tagalog:

1.) golosina - sweetened food; candy; sweet; confectionery; more...
2.) balikutsá - a form of solidified syrup or molasses typically made from sugarcane; becomes hard and chewy once cooked and cooled down; a thick, well-cooked syrup, or honey that is used as a sweetener; the act of splitting a coconut by striking it; molasses; candy; syrup; brittle; more...
3.) masapán - a sweetened delicacy commonly mixed with sugar and ground nuts such as peanuts, pili, almonds, and the like.; sweetmeat; confection; candy; more...
4.) bagkát - sugar that has been turned into syrup and becomes hard and chewy after it is cooked and cooled.; brittle; toffee; candy; more...
5.) kabilong - a small piece of white sweetmeat; confectionery; candy; sweet; more...

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