
Cast in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word cast.

The English word "cast" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translation for the English word cast in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. iitsá   [verb] to cast; to throw more...

More matches for "cast" in Tagalog:

1.) balabág - [noun] throw; cast; slam more...
2.) hulmahín - [verb] to mold; to cast more...
3.) dalambâ - to throw; to cast away; throw; cast; toss; fling; hurl; more...
4.) kagyót - to throw or hurl a heavy object forcefully; throw; hurl; fling; cast; lob; more...
5.) alakbó - to throw upwards; to toss something in an upward direction; toss; hurl; fling; cast; more...
6.) gowá - the act of throwing an object into the water; throw; toss; fling; cast; more...
7.) pailanláng - a launch; the act of throwing something upwards, like a stone or shooting an arrow; being boastful in speech as if casting words into the air; launch; throw; cast; fling; hurl; boasting; bragging; more...
8.) tagik - a splint for a broken bone; splint; brace; cast; support; more...
9.) repertoryo - a group of actors and actresses who regularly perform plays, operas, and the like; troupe; company; cast; ensemble; more...
10.) balibang - the act of throwing a stick or rod; throw; toss; fling; hurl; cast; more...
11.) balibas - to cast or fling upward; toss; fling; throw; cast; hurl; more...
12.) tilapág - the act of throwing something onto the ground by a bird; discard; drop; cast; more...
13.) halibas - throw; toss; fling; hurl; cast; pitch; more...
14.) balangkát - [noun] a splint for an object that is broken or fractured; splint; support; brace; cast; more...

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