Climbing Plant in Tagalog
The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word climbing plant.The English word "climbing plant" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:
2.) kayos
yam; a climbing plant (dioscorea hispida) with an edible tuber that can be poisonous if not properly cooked; climbing plant; poisonous tuber; more...
3.) hágorilis
a hairy vine (deeringia amaranthoides) that grows about 5-6 meters, with greenish-white flowers and round, red fruits; vine; climbing plant; more...
4.) bagák
a fleshy vine (rhaphidophora merrillii) that climbs on the trunk of trees and has egg-shaped leaves; also called tabatib.; vine; climbing plant; more...
5.) pakpák-tutubí
a creeping shrub, usually with a round stem, and leaves that are broad at the base and taper to a point; climbing plant; creeping plant; more...
6.) tabatib
a stout vine (rhaphidophora merrillii) that climbs on the trunk of trees and has egg-shaped leaves; vine; climbing plant; more...
7.) lagete
a branching vine (celastrus peniculata) that grows 4-10 meters long, with greenish flowers and yellow fruit; vine; climbing plant; creeper; more...
8.) tampím-banál
tabatib; a bland vine (rhaphidophora merrillii) that climbs on the trunk of trees and has egg-shaped leaves; climbing plant; vine; more...
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