Climbing Shrub in Tagalog
The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word climbing shrub.The English word "climbing shrub" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:
1.) alingaró
a shrub (eleaegnus philippinensis) that climbs upwards, is evergreen, and has egg-shaped red fruit; climbing shrub; evergreen shrub; more...
3.) hinlalagák
a type of shrub (uvaria rufa) that is a climbing plant, reaching heights of 5-6 meters, with the underside of the leaves being hairy.; climbing shrub; uvaria rufa; more...
4.) hilagák
a climbing shrub (uvaria rufa) that grows upwards, 5-6 m in height, with the underside of the leaves being hairy.; climbing shrub; more...
5.) litirán
a shrub (gouania tiliaefolia) that creeps, with small, whitish green flowers, and soft fruit; climbing shrub; creeping plant; more...
6.) lagnâ
a shrub (poikilospermum suaveolens) that is a climber, with oblong leaves, fragrant flowers, and considered as a medicinal plant; climbing shrub; medicinal plant; more...
7.) súsong-kalabáw
a climbing shrub known as uvaria rufa, which can grow up to 5-6 meters high, with the underside of the leaves being hairy.; climbing shrub; hairy-leaved plant; more...
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