
Cluster in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word cluster.

The English word "cluster" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translation for the English word cluster in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. kumpól   [noun] bunch; cluster; clump more...

More matches for "cluster" in Tagalog:

1.) ságing-saging - a cluster or bunch similar to that of bananas; bunch; cluster; more...
2.) kalipumpón - a variant of 'kalibungbong'; cluster; bunch; gathering; more...
3.) rasimo - cluster; a type of flower, specifically the catnip (nepeta racemosa) that grows in clusters on a single branch, separated by small and equally measured stems; part of a cluster of betel nut fruit; bunch; grouping; more...
4.) baoy - a bundle or group of fifteen pieces of rattan; bundle; bunch; cluster; more...
5.) kulumot - to squeeze together; to pile up; crowd; cluster; huddle; pile up; heap up; more...
6.) buyok - a group or gathering of people or animals; group; gathering; herd; flock; assembly; cluster; more...
7.) ngutô - the increase that is suggested by simultaneous movement such as the proliferation of small fish in the water; swarm; school; cluster; throng; multitude; more...
8.) típon-tipon - a small cluster of people facing each other, usually for playing, chatting, and similar activities; a gathering; a huddle; gathering; group; huddle; assembly; cluster; more...
9.) palumpón - the act of gathering together in one place; bunch; cluster; bouquet; more...
10.) hurúnghuróng - heap; a crowd of people; a throng; crowd; throng; group; cluster; assembly; more...
11.) tangkás - a pile or heap of leaves; heap; pile; cluster; stack; more...
12.) boniyók - cluster; a group of people or animals; cove; a chew of betel nut; a small seaside cave; group; gathering; alcove; more...
13.) umpók - a small group of people facing each other, usually for playing, chatting, and the like; cluster; huddle; group; gathering; more...
14.) lambayog - a cluster of fruits on high branches; bunch; cluster; more...
15.) sudlóng - a cluster; a group of things assembled or occurring closely together; cluster; assembly; grouping; bundle; more...
16.) lukutan - a swarm or cluster of crumpled or wrinkled small pieces; cluster; swarm; aggregation; collection; accumulation; more...
17.) kulupón - [noun] a cluster of children more...
18.) kulisaw - [noun] school of fish; bunch of worms; group of children more...

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