
Compact in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word compact.

The English word "compact" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translations for the English word compact in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. kásunduan   [noun] agreement; deal; compromise; covenant; bargain; treaty; truce; concord; contract; compact; pact Example Sentences Available Icon5 Example Sentences Available » more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. siksík   [adjective] tightly packed; sealed; compact more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. masinsín   [adjective] thick; thickset; dense; compact; thorough more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. pikpík   [noun] compression more...

More matches for "compact" in Tagalog:

1.) sandugô - [noun] blood compact; blood contract; a ritual of mixing participants' blood to seal an agreement more...
2.) liglíg - [noun] the act of shaking or jostling a container to make its contents compact; shake; jostle; compact; compress; more...
3.) bugsók - dense or compact; dense; compact; thick; concentrated; more...
4.) likít - packed tight; densely packed; compacted; dense; compact; compressed; more...
5.) pisigan - small but compact in body; sturdy; stocky; robust; compact; more...
6.) butiktík - compact and very full; small and sturdy; densely packed; compact; sturdy; dense; packed; more...
7.) sang-usapan - [noun] agreement; deal; compromise; covenant; bargain; treaty; truce; concord; contract; compact; pact more...
8.) dasík - very compact or tightly packed; closely fitted; compact; tight; compressed; snug; dense; more...
9.) kumbenyo - [noun] agreement; deal; compromise; covenant; bargain; treaty; truce; concord; contract; compact; pact more...
10.) linsík - dense, commonly used in weaving; compact; tightly packed; more...
11.) laník - densely or finely woven or interlaced; tight-knit; compact; dense; more...
12.) dagisík - [adjective] tightly packed; sealed; compact more...
13.) kompakto - compact; dense; arranged within a small space; designed to be small and economical; space-saving; economical; more...
14.) pitandaán - [noun] agreement; deal; compromise; covenant; bargain; treaty; truce; concord; contract; compact; pact more...
15.) giát - [adjective] tightly packed; sealed; compact more...
16.) lipundáy - [adjective] short but proportionate in body; short but handsome; well-proportioned; compact; more...
17.) ug-óg - the act of shaking or jostling a container to compact its contents; the process of crushing grains to make flour, as well as the act of crushing chocolate; to shake or jostle.; shake; jostle; compact; crush; more...
18.) lompis - compact; tightly packed; dense; compressed; condensed; more...
19.) pagikpík - [noun] compression more...

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