

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word ilalabas.
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The Tagalog word ilálabás is the Filipino verb ilabas » conjugated in the Contemplated aspect ( future tense )

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1 [verb] to take out something; to bring out something; to put something outside
2 [verb] to release something

Verb conjugations of ilabas:

Object Focus Icon
Root: labasConjugation Type: I-
Completed (Past):
Uncompleted (Present):
Contemplated (Future):
ilabás  Play audio #7040
Completed (Past):
inilabás  Play audio #18654
Uncompleted (Present):
inilálabás  Play audio #18655
Contemplated (Future):
ilálabás  Play audio #18656
Ilalabas Example Sentences in Tagalog: (8)
Here are some hand-picked example sentences for this conjugation of this verb from this site's Filipino language editors.
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Inilabás niyá ang pitaka niyá.
Play audio #29475 Play audio #29476Audio Loop
He took out his wallet.
Ilabás mo ang básurahán.
Play audio #29471 Play audio #29472Audio Loop
Take the trash out.
Huwág mong ilabás ang aso.
Play audio #29473 Play audio #29474Audio Loop
Don't take the dog out.
Ilabás mo ang di mo.
Play audio #29469 Play audio #29470Audio Loop
Show your tongue. / Stick out your tongue.
Inilálabás ka ba ng asawa mo?
Play audio #29479 Play audio #29480Audio Loop
Does your husband take you out (on dates)?
Kailán mo gustóng ilabás kitá?
Play audio #29477 Play audio #29478Audio Loop
When would you like me to take you out (on a date)?
Magkasabáy na inilabás ang libró sa wikang Inglés at Filipino.
Play audio #47851Audio Loop
The book was released simultaneously in English and Filipino.
Huwág mo munang ilálabás ang ice cream sa freezer.
Play audio #29481 Play audio #29482Audio Loop
Don't take the ice cream out of the freezer yet.

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