

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word sasabihin.
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The Tagalog word sasabihin is the Filipino verb sabihin » conjugated in the Contemplated aspect ( future tense )

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1 [verb] to say something; to tell something; to allege something; to declare something
2 [verb] to mean something

Verb conjugations of sabihin:

Object Focus Icon
Root: sabiConjugation Type: -In Verb
Completed (Past):
Uncompleted (Present):
Contemplated (Future):
sabihin  Play audio #8325
Completed (Past):
sinabi  Play audio #19583
Uncompleted (Present):
sinasabi  Play audio #19584
Contemplated (Future):
sasabihin  Play audio #19585
Sasabihin Example Sentences in Tagalog: (10)
Here are some hand-picked example sentences for this conjugation of this verb from this site's Filipino language editors.
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Huwág mong sasabihin kahit kanino, OK?
Play audio #27288 Play audio #27289Audio Loop
Don't tell anyone, OK?
Nabiglâ si John. Hindî alám ang sasabihin.
Play audio #34154 Play audio #34155Audio Loop
John was startled. He didn't know what to say.
Huwág mong damdamín ang sasabihin ko.
Play audio #32735 Play audio #32736Audio Loop
Don't feel hurt at what I'm about to say.
Magta-Tagalog akó para mas malinaw ang sasabihin ko.
Play audio #27305 Play audio #27306Audio Loop
I'll speak Tagalog to make myself clear.
Hindî nilá malalaman kung hindî mo sasabihin.
Play audio #27397 Play audio #27398Audio Loop
They won't know if you won't tell.
Pinangunahan ni Jane si Amy tungkól sa kung anóng sasabihin ni Mike.
Play audio #27300 Play audio #27301Audio Loop
Jane forewarned Amy about whatever Mike would tell her.
Bakâ ka mabiglâ sa sasabihin ko.
Play audio #27399 Play audio #27400Audio Loop
You might be surprised at what I'm about to tell you.
Magugulat ka ba kung sasabihin ko sa iyóng may asawa si Juliet?
Play audio #27419 Play audio #27420Audio Loop
Would you be surprised if I were to tell you that Juliet is a married woman?
Hindî ko alám kung magúgustuhán mo ang sasabihin ko.
Play audio #27417 Play audio #27418Audio Loop
I don't know if you'd like / be happy with what I am about to tell you.
Hindî ko alám kung anó ang maráramdamán mo sa sasabihin ko.
Play audio #38433Audio Loop
I don't know how you'd feel with what I am going to tell you.
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