

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word makikipag-usap.
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The Tagalog word makíkipag-usap is the Filipino verb makipag-usap » conjugated in the Contemplated aspect ( future tense )

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[verb] to talk with; to converse with; to communicate with;
*Note: focus on actor who is talking

Verb conjugations of makipag-usap:

Actor Focus Icon
Root: usapConjugation Type: Makipag-
Completed (Past):
Uncompleted (Present):
Contemplated (Future):
makipag-usap  Play audio #23100
Completed (Past):
nakipag-usap  Play audio #23101
Uncompleted (Present):
nakíkipag-usap  Play audio #23102
Contemplated (Future):
makíkipag-usap  Play audio #23103
Makikipag-usap Example Sentences in Tagalog: (5)
Here are some hand-picked example sentences for this conjugation of this verb from this site's Filipino language editors.
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Nakipag-usap akó sa coordinator kanina.
Play audio #36914Audio Loop
I talked with the coordinator earlier today.
Nakíkipag-usap si Peter kay Paul.
Play audio #35743 Play audio #35744Audio Loop
Peter is conversing with Paul.
Nakíkipag-usap si Mary kahit kanino.
Play audio #36487Audio Loop
Mary talks with anyone.
Ayokong makipag-usap sa iyó.
Play audio #33852 Play audio #33853Audio Loop
I don't want to talk to you.
Nagseselos akó kapág nakíkipag-usap ang ibáng tao sa mga kaibigan ko!
Play audio #29628 Play audio #29629Audio Loop
I get jealous when others talk with my friends!

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