

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word umiral in the Tagalog Dictionary.

Definition for the Tagalog word umiral:

umiral  Play audio #38747
[verb] to exist; to prevail; to be prevalent; to bind

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Verb conjugations of umiral:

Actor Focus Icon
Root: iralConjugation Type: -Um-
Completed (Past):
Uncompleted (Present):
Contemplated (Future):
umiral  Play audio #38747
Completed (Past):
umiral  Play audio #38747
Uncompleted (Present):
umiiral  Play audio #38748
Contemplated (Future):
iiral  Play audio #38749
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Umiiral na ang kautusáng iyán magmulâ pa noóng 1970s.
Play audio #30705 Play audio #30706Audio Loop
That order had been prevailing since the 1970s.
Umiral ang pagkakaisá sa kabilâ ng pagkakáibá-ibá.
Play audio #30703 Play audio #30704Audio Loop
Unity prevailed despite diversity.
Naníniwa kamí sa mga batás na umiral noón.
Play audio #30699 Play audio #30700Audio Loop
We believe in laws that existed before.
Ano-anó ang mga alituntuning umiiral sa lipunan?
Play audio #30709 Play audio #30710Audio Loop
What are the principles that prevail in the society?
Ang di ng pag-asa ay umiiral sa kabilâ ng kaguluhan.
Play audio #30711 Play audio #30712Audio Loop
A sense of hope prevails despite the chaos.
Umiiral ang katangahán ni Vince.
Play audio #30701 Play audio #30702Audio Loop
Vince is showing his stupidity.
Iiral ang tunay na kápatiran.
Play audio #30697 Play audio #30698Audio Loop
True camaraderie will prevail.
Iiral ang poót sa pusong hindî nagpápatawad.
Play audio #30707 Play audio #30708Audio Loop
Hatred will prevail in an unforgiving heart.
Magkasabáy na umiiral ang lu at kahirapan.
Play audio #47850Audio Loop
Luxury and poverty exist side by side.

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How to pronounce umiral:

Play audio #38747
Markup Code:
Related Filipino Words:
Related English Words:
prevalentbe prevalentexistexistsexistedexistingprevailprevailsprevailedprevailingbindbindsboundbinding
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