

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word nasaksihan.
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The Tagalog word nasaksihán is the Filipino verb masaksihan » conjugated in the Completed aspect ( past tense )

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[verb] to witness
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; to witness something
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Verb conjugations of masaksihan:

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Root: saksiConjugation Type: Ma- -An
Completed (Past):
Uncompleted (Present):
Contemplated (Future):
masaksihán  Play audio #12587
Completed (Past):
nasaksihán  Play audio #38971
Uncompleted (Present):
nasásaksihán  Play audio #38972
Contemplated (Future):
masásaksihán  Play audio #38973
Nasaksihan Example Sentences in Tagalog: (8)
Here are some hand-picked example sentences for this conjugation of this verb from this site's Filipino language editors.
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Nasaksihán ko ang lupít ng kaniyáng amá.
Play audio #46747Audio Loop
I witnessed his father's cruelty.
Ibúbunyág ba ni Melanie ang kaniyáng nasaksihán?
Play audio #37072Audio Loop
Will Melanie reveal what she witnessed?
Hindî nilá mapatunayan ang nasaksihán ni Verna.
Play audio #30618 Play audio #30619Audio Loop
They can't verify what Verna witnessed.
Nasaksihán ni Pauleen ang pag-asenso ng negosyo niyá.
Play audio #48691Audio Loop
Pauleen witnessed her business' growth.
Hindî mo nasaksihán kung paano ko naipanalo ang patimpalák.
Play audio #48690Audio Loop
You were not able to witness how I was able to win the contest.
Nasaksihán ko ang pagmamahál mo sa kaniyá.
Play audio #48693Audio Loop
I witnessed your love for him.
Nasaksihán ni Letty ang kasál ng matalik niyáng kaibigan.
Play audio #48689Audio Loop
Letty witnessed the wedding of her best friend.
Inutusan akó ng korte na ilarawan ang nasaksihán kong krimén.
Play audio #48807Audio Loop
I was ordered by the court to describe the crime I witnessed.
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