

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word nagkaisa.
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The Tagalog word nagkáisá is the Filipino verb magkaisa » conjugated in the Completed aspect ( past tense )

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[verb] to unite; to be united; to have unity; to come together; to join together

Verb conjugations of magkaisa:

Actor Focus Icon
Root: isaConjugation Type: Mag-
Completed (Past):
Uncompleted (Present):
Contemplated (Future):
magkáisá  Play audio #12673
Completed (Past):
nagkáisá  Play audio #38986
Uncompleted (Present):
nagkakáisá  Play audio #38987
Contemplated (Future):
magkakáisá  Play audio #38988
Nagkaisa Example Sentences in Tagalog: (5)
Here are some hand-picked example sentences for this conjugation of this verb from this site's Filipino language editors.
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Mapápatigil lang natin ang pagpasá ng pánukaláng batás kapág nagkáisá tayo.
Play audio #48997Audio Loop
We can only stop the passage of the bill if we unite.
Nagkáisá kamíng lahát sa pagpapasiyá.
Play audio #48002Audio Loop
We were all unanimous with the decision.
Nagkáisá ang magkatunggalî sa paglilingkód sa bayan.
Play audio #48005Audio Loop
The opposition united in the service of the people.
Mas nagkáisá kamí dahil dito.
Play audio #48011Audio Loop
We became more united because of this.
Nagkáisá ang bansâ sa pamamaha ng bagong reyna.
Play audio #47999Audio Loop
The country united under the rule of the new queen.
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