

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word sinusulat.
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The Tagalog word sinusulat is the Filipino verb sulatin » conjugated in the Uncompleted aspect ( present tense )

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[verb] to write something; to compose something; to write something creatively;
*Note: informal/slang

Verb conjugations of sulatin:

Object Focus Icon
Root: sulatConjugation Type: -In Verb
Completed (Past):
Uncompleted (Present):
Contemplated (Future):
sulatin  Play audio #23018
Completed (Past):
sinulat  Play audio #23019
Uncompleted (Present):
sinusulat  Play audio #23021
Contemplated (Future):
susulatin  Play audio #23022
Sinusulat Example Sentences in Tagalog: (12)
Here are some hand-picked example sentences for this conjugation of this verb from this site's Filipino language editors.
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Kailangan mo nang sulatin ang iyóng nobela.
Play audio #37694Audio Loop
You need to write your novel already.
Dapat ko bang sulatin ang pánuka?
Play audio #37626Audio Loop
Do I need to draft the proposal?
Nagku si Coleen na sulatin ang papél.
Play audio #35705 Play audio #35706Audio Loop
Coleen volunteered to write the paper.
Sinulat ni J.D. Salinger ang Catcher in the Rye.
Play audio #36604Audio Loop
J.D. Salinger wrote Catcher in the Rye.
Sinulat ng mga kasa ng kongreso ang batás.
Play audio #37754Audio Loop
The law was drafted by members of congress.
Sinulat niyá ang kásunduan.
Play audio #36168Audio Loop
He wrote the agreement.
Kasalukuyan kong sinusulat ang aking pana.
Play audio #37593Audio Loop
I am currently writing my vow.
Sinusulat mo na ba ang iyóng mga plano?
Play audio #37024Audio Loop
Are you already writing your plans?
Sinusulat niyá ang pangalan ko sa talaan.
Play audio #36472Audio Loop
She is writing my name in the record.
Susulatin ko mámayáng gabí ang aking liham.
Play audio #37293Audio Loop
Tonight I will write my letter.
Susulatin nilá ang aklát nilá.
Play audio #44216Audio Loop
They will write their book.
Bali ko, susulatin mo raw ang iskríp.
Play audio #37388Audio Loop
I heard you will be writing the script.

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