

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word itinataas.
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The Tagalog word itinátaás is the Filipino verb itaas » conjugated in the Uncompleted aspect ( present tense )

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[verb] to raise something; to lift something; to uplift something; to elevate something

Verb conjugations of itaas:

Object Focus Icon
Root: taasConjugation Type: I-
Completed (Past):
Uncompleted (Present):
Contemplated (Future):
itaás  Play audio #7360
Completed (Past):
itinaás  Play audio #18752
Uncompleted (Present):
itinátaás  Play audio #18756
Contemplated (Future):
itátaás  Play audio #18755
Itinataas Example Sentences in Tagalog: (9)
Here are some hand-picked example sentences for this conjugation of this verb from this site's Filipino language editors.
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Itaás mo ang kaliwâ mong paá.
Play audio #29273 Play audio #29274Audio Loop
Raise your left foot.
Itaás ang inyóng mga kamáy.
Play audio #29277 Play audio #29278Audio Loop
Raise your hands.
Itinaás nilá ang bandera kaninang umaga.
Play audio #29281 Play audio #29280Audio Loop
They raised the flag this morning.
Malakí ang itinaás ng presyo ng langís.
Play audio #29275 Play audio #29276Audio Loop
The price of oil went up significantly.
Magreresígn akó kung hindî nilá itátaás ang suweldo ko.
Play audio #36582Audio Loop
I will resign if they don't raise my salary.
Bakit bahagyâ lang ang itinaás ng grado ni Oscar?
Play audio #48747Audio Loop
Why did Oscar's grade only slightly improve?
Huwág mong itátaás ang mga paá mo sa mesa.
Play audio #29271 Play audio #29272Audio Loop
Do not put your feet on the table.
Malakí ang itinaás ng anák ni Nora mulâ nang hulí ko siyáng nakita.
Play audio #30528 Play audio #30529Audio Loop
Nora's son has grown much taller since the last time I saw him.
Sumásakít ang mga balikat ni Bob kapág itinátaás niyá ang kanyáng mga kamáy.
Play audio #38947Audio Loop
Bob's shoulders hurt when he raises his hands.

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