

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word nakakarating.
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The Tagalog word nakákaratíng is the Filipino verb makarating » conjugated in the Uncompleted aspect ( present tense )

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[verb] to be able to arrive; to be able to reach; to be able to come

Verb conjugations of makarating:

Actor Focus Icon
Root: datingConjugation Type: Maka-
Completed (Past):
Uncompleted (Present):
Contemplated (Future):
makaratíng  Play audio #23002
Completed (Past):
nakaratíng  Play audio #23003
Uncompleted (Present):
nakákaratíng  Play audio #23004
Contemplated (Future):
makákaratíng  Play audio #23005
Nakakarating Example Sentences in Tagalog: (10)
Here are some hand-picked example sentences for this conjugation of this verb from this site's Filipino language editors.
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Gustó kong makaratíng sa itaás ng bundók.
Play audio #36119Audio Loop
I would like to reach the top of the mountain.
Nakaratíng na ba si Tony?
Play audio #33767 Play audio #33766Audio Loop
Has Tony arrived yet?
Nakaratíng ka na ba sa Hong Kong?
Play audio #35568 Play audio #35570Audio Loop
Have you ever been to Hong Kong?
Anóng oras ka nakaratíng sa opisina?
Play audio #36117Audio Loop
What time did you arrive at the office?
Hindî ka pa ba nakákaratíng sa London?
Play audio #36118Audio Loop
Haven't you ever been to London?
Paano mo matítiyák na makákaratíng siyá?
Play audio #35424 Play audio #35425Audio Loop
How will you make sure that he comes?
Tiniyák kong makákaratíng akó nang maaga.
Play audio #34781 Play audio #34782Audio Loop
I made sure to arrive early.
Nakaratíng na si Anna sa bahay bago tumu ang ulán.
Play audio #30364 Play audio #30365Audio Loop
Anna already got home before the rain began to fall.
Malamáng makákaratíng kamí diyán bago dumilím.
Play audio #36421Audio Loop
Most likely we'd arrive there before dark.
Pasénsiya na pero hindî akó makákaratíng sa party mo.
Play audio #36555Audio Loop
I'm sorry but I won't be able to come to your party.

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