

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word hinuhulaan.
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The Tagalog word hinúhulaan is the Filipino verb hulaan » conjugated in the Uncompleted aspect ( present tense )

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[verb] to guess something; to predict something; to tell someone's fortune

Verb conjugations of hulaan:

Object Focus Icon
Root: hulaConjugation Type: -An
Completed (Past):
Uncompleted (Present):
Contemplated (Future):
hulaan  Play audio #24570
Completed (Past):
hinulaan  Play audio #24571
Uncompleted (Present):
hinúhulaan  Play audio #24572
Contemplated (Future):
húhulaan  Play audio #24573
Hinuhulaan Example Sentences in Tagalog: (6)
Here are some hand-picked example sentences for this conjugation of this verb from this site's Filipino language editors.
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Hinúhulaang tátaás ang presyo ng bigás sa súsunód na mga linggó.
Play audio #30929 Play audio #30930Audio Loop
It is predicted that the price of rice will increase in the coming weeks.
Hinúhulaan ng mga eksperto na darami ang mga waláng trabaho.
Play audio #38803Audio Loop
Experts predict that unemployment rate will increase.
Hindî itó nangángahulugáng hinúhulaan ni Patty ang hináharáp.
Play audio #37592Audio Loop
It doesn't mean that Patty predicts the future.
Hinuhulaang mas úunlád pa ang bansâ sa súsunód na taón.
Play audio #47127Audio Loop
It is predicted that the country's economy will further improve next year.
Hinuhulaang lílindól nang malakás sa Davao sa súsunód na buwán.
Play audio #47130Audio Loop
It is predicted that a strong earthquake will hit Davao next month.
Alám mo ba talagá o hinúhulaan mo lang?
Play audio #47122Audio Loop
Do you really know it or are you just guessing?
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