

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word naghuhugas.
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The Tagalog word naghuhugas is the Filipino verb maghugas » conjugated in the Uncompleted aspect ( present tense )

View full details for verb maghugas »

[verb] to wash

Verb conjugations of maghugas:

Actor Focus Icon
Root: hugasConjugation Type: Mag-
Completed (Past):
Uncompleted (Present):
Contemplated (Future):
maghugas  Play audio #9291
Completed (Past):
naghugas  Play audio #19082
Uncompleted (Present):
naghuhugas  Play audio #19083
Contemplated (Future):
maghuhugas  Play audio #19084
Naghuhugas Example Sentences in Tagalog: (6)
Here are some hand-picked example sentences for this conjugation of this verb from this site's Filipino language editors.
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Maghugas ka ng kamáy.
Play audio #31485 Play audio #31486Audio Loop
Wash your hands.
Saán akó puwedeng maghugas ng paá?
Play audio #31489 Play audio #31490Audio Loop
Where can I wash my feet?
Tapós ka na bang maghugas ng kamáy?
Play audio #31487 Play audio #31488Audio Loop
Are you done washing your hands?
Sino ang naghugas ng mga pinggán kaninang tangha?
Play audio #44371Audio Loop
Who washed the dishes this noon?
Naghuhugas ka pa rin ng mga pinggán hanggáng ngayón?
Play audio #44370Audio Loop
You're still washing the dishes up to now?
Huwág kang maghugas ng kamáy tungkól sa nangyari.
Play audio #32794 Play audio #32795Audio Loop
Don't wash your hands of the incident.

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