

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word napapanood.
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The Tagalog word napápanoód is the Filipino verb mapanood » conjugated in the Uncompleted aspect ( present tense )

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[verb] to be able to watch something; to get the chance to watch something

Verb conjugations of mapanood:

Object Focus Icon
Root: noodConjugation Type: Ma-
Completed (Past):
Uncompleted (Present):
Contemplated (Future):
mapanoód  Play audio #14119
Completed (Past):
napanoód  Play audio #23248
Uncompleted (Present):
napápanoód  Play audio #23249
Contemplated (Future):
mapápanoód  Play audio #23250
Napapanood Example Sentences in Tagalog: (12)
Here are some hand-picked example sentences for this conjugation of this verb from this site's Filipino language editors.
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Mapápanoód mo iyón sa CNN.
Play audio #30959 Play audio #30960Audio Loop
You will be able to watch that on CNN.
Napanoód ni Bruce ang parada kahapon.
Play audio #30963 Play audio #30964Audio Loop
Bruce was able to watch the parade yesterday.
Napápanoód ka nilá nang live.
Play audio #30953 Play audio #30954Audio Loop
They're watching you live.
Napanoód mo ba ang hulíng pelíkulá ni Elizabeth Taylor?
Play audio #30973 Play audio #30974Audio Loop
Did you see the last film Elizabeth Taylor was in?
Napápanoód ko siyá sa TV.
Play audio #30969 Play audio #30970Audio Loop
I get to see him on TV.
Saán ko mapápanoód ang pelíkulá?
Play audio #30967 Play audio #30968Audio Loop
Where can I watch the film?
Sa wakás, mapápanoód ko na rin mamayâ ang dulâ.
Play audio #30957 Play audio #30958Audio Loop
Finally, I can watch the play later.
Napanoód ko ang mahusay na pagtatanghál nilá.
Play audio #30955 Play audio #30956Audio Loop
I saw their excellent performance.
Hindî ko napanoód ang presentasyón mo kahapon.
Play audio #30971 Play audio #30972Audio Loop
I wasn't able to watch your presentation yesterday.
Napanoód ni Grace ang pagsasanay ng kaniyáng asawa.
Play audio #30965 Play audio #30966Audio Loop
Grace watched her husband's rehearsal.
Mapápanoód mo ba ang konsiyerto ni Susan?
Play audio #30961 Play audio #30962Audio Loop
Do you have the chance to watch Susan's concert?
Napanoód mo ba ang ságupaán ng bida at kontrabida sa hulíng eksena?
Play audio #48306Audio Loop
Did you watch the clash between the protagonist and the villain in the last scene?

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