
Cord in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word cord.

The English word "cord" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translations for the English word cord in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. ta   [noun] string; string used for tying; cord; bond; bundle more...

More matches for "cord" in Tagalog:

1.) kurdón - [noun] cord more...
2.) magbinit - [verb] to pull a wire, cord, etc. to make it taut more...
3.) ibinit - [verb] to pull a wire, cord, etc. to make it taut more...
4.) binitin - [verb] to pull a wire, cord, make it taut more...
5.) torsál - twisted silk cord; twine; cord; string; braid; more...
6.) bangkát - a type of fine rope; cord; string; twine; more...
7.) inggiw - a vine or thin stick used as a tie or binding material.; tie; vine; binding; cord; twine; more...
8.) bagnás - thick fiber or rope; cord; strand; twine; cable; more...
9.) ligadura - string; something used for tying; tie; cord; bind; fastening; more...
10.) mekate - a rope made from a type of plant; cord; rope; twine; more...
11.) gikos - a string used for tying fabric, also used as a tie to a post in order to pull it; cord; rope; tie; string; more...
12.) agkáy - chin strap of a native hat; cord or band used to secure a traditional filipino hat (salakot) under the chin; chin strap; hatband; cord; more...
13.) plitina - string or strap of an apron, skirt, and similar garments; tie; strap; ribbon; cord; more...
14.) bakwis - [noun] string; string used for tying; cord; bond; bundle more...
15.) langkín - a string made from the intestines of an animal, especially of a sheep, and is commonly used in violins or bows; catgut; gut string; cord; more...
16.) saggid - a bunch of abaca fiber consisting of three strands each bunch; twine; cord; string; more...
17.) gatil - tendon; sinew; cord; more...
18.) pamangkól - a rope used for tying; cord; rope; bind; more...
19.) palantî - a rope or tie used to tighten the handle of a sesame oil press.; cord; tie; strap; binding; more...

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