Counterweight in Tagalog
The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word counterweight.The English word "counterweight" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:
1.) lasti
ballast; a weight used in ships or hot air balloons to provide stability; gravel or crushed stone used as a foundation for railways or roads; a device that stabilizes the flow of electricity.; counterweight; stabilizer; foundation; more...
2.) báto-bato
[noun] objects used as weights or pieces of cloth that are hung; counterweight; weight; cloth pieces; [adjective] rocky; all rocks more...
3.) kontrapeso
a force that is equivalent to the other side; counterbalance; counterweight; equilibrium; more...
4.) batóng-sinantanan
a metal stone used in a balance scale; counterweight; calibration weight; more...
5.) giay
a plumb bob; a counterweight used at the end of a fishing rod; the initial growth of feathers in a chicken; a young hawk; plumb bob; counterweight; pinfeather; fledgling hawk; more...
6.) timbáw
an addition to the opposite end to balance the scale; counterbalance; counterweight; balance; more...
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