Creeper in Tagalog
The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word creeper.The English word "creeper" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:
1.) hinggíw-kalabáw
a type of vine; streptocaulon baumii, which has a slender stem; or malaisia scandens, a climbing vine that can grow 4-8 meters in length.; vine; climber; creeper; more...
3.) malais-ís
a thin-stemmed vine (streptocaulon baumii); a climbing vine (malaisia scandens) that grows upwards, 4 to 8 meters in length; a type of creeper; creeper; vine; climber; more...
4.) balasín
a vine whose bark is used to make ropes or binding material; vine; creeper; liana; more...
5.) malalangit
a type of creeping plant; vine; creeper; climber; trailing plant; more...
6.) dapo`-sa-buhò
a vine (dischidia vidalii) that commonly grows on dead bamboo; vine; climber; creeper; more...
7.) lagete
a branching vine (celastrus peniculata) that grows 4-10 meters long, with greenish flowers and yellow fruit; vine; climbing plant; creeper; more...
9.) bítin-bitin
vine or any plant that creeps or climbs; a climbing or creeping plant; vine; climber; creeper; more...
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