

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word dakpin in the Tagalog Dictionary.

Definition for the Tagalog word dakpin:

dakpín  Play audio #11641
[verb] to capture someone; to arrest someone; to apprehend someone

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Verb conjugations of dakpin:

Object Focus Icon
Root: dakipConjugation Type: -In Verb
Completed (Past):
Uncompleted (Present):
Contemplated (Future):
dakpín  Play audio #11641
Completed (Past):
dinakíp  Play audio #39144
Uncompleted (Present):
dinádakíp  Play audio #39145
Contemplated (Future):
dádakpín  Play audio #39146
Verb family:
madakíp  |  
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Anó ang nangyari nang dakpín si Mona?
Play audio #33272 Play audio #33273Audio Loop
What happened when Mona was arrested?
Daratíng ang mga masamáng tao para dakpín siyá.
Play audio #37221Audio Loop
Bad people will come to take him away.
Ginipít nilá ang hukuman na dakpín kamí.
Play audio #36658Audio Loop
They pressured the court to arrest us.
Halos himatayín siyá noóng dakpín siyá.
Play audio #37092Audio Loop
She almost fainted when she was apprehened.
Dinakíp siyá at dinalá sa punong tanggapan ng pulisya.
Play audio #37734Audio Loop
She was arrested and brought to the police headquarter.
Dinakíp si Vigo at nilitis sa haráp ng madlâ.
Play audio #36364Audio Loop
He was captured and tried before the public.
Bakit dinakíp siná Aldrin at Larry?
Play audio #37871Audio Loop
Why were Aldrin and Larry apprehended?
Nakita kong dinádakíp siyá ng mga pulís.
Play audio #49036Audio Loop
I saw him being arrested by policemen.
Tinútulungan niyá ang dinádakíp na mga aktibista.
Play audio #34844 Play audio #34845Audio Loop
He helps the activitists who are being arrested.
Dinádakíp ka sa krimén na pagpatáy.
Play audio #37780Audio Loop
You are arrested for the crime of murder.
Alternate spelling(s):
dakipin, dadakipin, dinarakip, darakip, darakipin
Alternate spellings may include: abbreviations, informal spellings, slang, and/or commonly misspelled variations.

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How to pronounce dakpin:

Play audio #11641
Markup Code:
Related Filipino Words:
Related English Words:
capture someonearrest someoneapprehend someonecapturecapturescapturedcapturingarrestarrestsarrestedarrestingapprehendapprehendsapprehendedapprehending
Grammatical Ligature:
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