
Decoration in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word decoration.

The English word "decoration" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translations for the English word decoration in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. gayák   [noun] decoration; dressing; attire; elegant clothing / jewelry more...

More matches for "decoration" in Tagalog:

1.) burloloy - [noun] embellishments; decoration; jewelry; trinkets more...
2.) pangdekorasyón - [adjective] for decoration more...
3.) adorno - [noun] adornment; garnishment; garnish; decoration more...
4.) kalop - a thin sheet of metal that serves as decoration on the handle of a blade.; foil; overlay; decoration; adornment; trimming; more...
5.) balongót - ornament or tassel; decoration; adornment; trimming; fringe; pendant; more...
6.) kiping - a house decoration made from pounded rice, molded into a leaf shape, and colored with bright hues to make it attractive; decoration; ornament; adornment; more...
7.) pamuti - [noun] decoration more...
8.) dekor - style of decoration; decor; decoration; ornamentation; adornment; more...
9.) pipa - 1. a small, short tube used for smoking cigarettes. 2. a local delicacy made of rice, wrapped in boiled coconut leaves, shaped into squares or diamond shapes. 3. a container for betel nut chew. 4. decorations such as paper for kites, flowers, and palm leaves.; pipe; rice cake; betel nut container; decoration; more...
10.) tayo - an ornament on a headgear; tassel on a cap; tassel; ornament; decoration; embellishment; more...
11.) samnó - the act of beautifying a watercraft or vessel; embellishment; adornment; decoration; more...
12.) panianiyô - the act of placing decorations; decoration; adornment; embellishment; more...
13.) aplike - a decoration attached to clothing; appliqué; ornament; decoration; adornment; more...

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