Etc. in Tagalog
The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word etc..The English word "etc." can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:
1.) asap
[noun] irritation of the eyes caused by smoke, etc.; a phrase to mean 'as soon as possible' more...
2.) matiwalág
[verb] to be dismissed from an office, etc.; to be separated from one's family or group more...
4.) matalsikán
[verb] to be hit by a splash of water, liquid, mud, etc. more...
6.) makatunggalî
[verb] to be someone's opponent in a debate, game, etc. more...
7.) nangangawit
[adjective] tired from standing, kneeling, etc. more...
11.) pagsasangkót
[noun] act of involving others in crime, etc. more...
13.) kasínghalagá
[adjective] of equal value, importance, etc. more...
15.) ordén
order; command or directive; arrangement or organization; a written notice to a manufacturer, merchant, waiter, etc., typically in writing, to supply the requested items; or the quantity of supplied goods; the overall structure of the world, society, etc.; any of the styles of ancient architecture identifiable by the type of columns used; especially with a capital letter, a group of notable people established by a sovereign, and awarded as an honor; can also be with a capital letter, an association of friar more...
19.) pagkakaingin
[noun] clearing a land of trees, etc. more...
20.) probansa
a test to find out or verify the characteristics, type, etc., of the materials used in making something; test; trial; quality check; more...
21.) inísyasyón
formal acceptance into a society, organization, etc.; initiation; induction; inauguration; more...
22.) epónimó
eponym; a person, real or fictional, from whom the name of a discovery, place, institution, etc., is derived; namesake; title source; more...
23.) ostrasyado
ostracized by society, deprived of privileges, etc.; ostracized; excluded; shunned; outcast; more...
24.) pésimismo
the tendency to see, expect, or focus on only the bad or undesirable outcomes, situations, problems, etc.; pessimism; negativity; defeatism; more...
25.) markadór
marker; a stone or post used as an indicator for a position, place, etc.; a person or thing that serves as a marker; a writing instrument with a broad tip; any marker in a book; indicator; signpost; highlighter; bookmark; more...
26.) kroketa
a small ball-shaped meat, fish, etc., coated in flour and dipped in beaten eggs before being fried in oil; croquette; meatball; more...
27.) taptáp
a repetitive tapping or patting action; in wood, stone, etc., the act of chopping, paring, chipping, or shaping; tapping; patting; chopping; paring; chipping; shaping; more...
28.) paloot
a visayan term also used by tagalogs, referring to the act of peeling fruits and vegetables like cucumbers, pineapples, etc.; peeling; paring; shelling; more...
29.) sindáng
a canopy; a covering that is hung over a throne, bed, etc.; a tarp or blanket used as a shelter; the highest layer of leaves in trees; the covering of a parachute.; canopy; awning; shelter; covering; more...
30.) ipokrisiya
hypocrisy; pretending to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that one does not actually possess; pretense; duplicity; sanctimoniousness; insincerity; false piety; more...
31.) ampiyás
the entry of rain through an open window, door, etc., due to strong wind; infiltration; leakage; seepage; more...
32.) draga
a machine or device used for cleaning or deepening rivers, canals, etc.; dredge; dredger; excavator; more...
33.) oksihenasyón
oxygenation; the supply of oxygen to the blood, water, etc.; oxygenation.; more...
34.) gantíng-salakay
an assault as retaliation for an attack made on a person, army, etc.; counterattack; retaliation; reprisal; more...
35.) apresyo
appreciation; valuation; assessment or judgment; evaluation of opinion, situation, people, etc.; increase in value; assessment; evaluation; more...
36.) relyebe
relief; a sudden change in a scene, lesson, etc.; prominence, notability caused by contrast or difference; the act of making a figure or part of it stand out from other parts, as in sculpture or similar works; or the act of raising parts of an illustration or painted work to give it a third dimension; contrast; prominence; projection; embossment; bas-relief; more...
37.) eminénsiyá
eminence; high position, rank, reputation, etc.; when capitalized, a title of honor; distinction; high rank; prestige; honorific; more...
38.) kalado
an ornamental design consisting of arranged holes in wood, metal, stone, etc.; lattice; filigree; perforation pattern; more...
39.) mamalís
a small broom or brush; a small sweep often used to clean cars, stoves, etc.; a brush for a dynamo; a yellow wild grass (sida acuta) that typically grows to about one meter in length.; brush; small broom; hand broom; whisk broom; more...
40.) baigór
the passing of a bird, stone, or person that almost grazes against a rock, ship, etc.; graze; brush past; skim; shave past; more...
41.) operadór
operator; a person who operates a device, machine, etc.; a person who operates a telephone switchboard, especially at a telephone company; a person who manages work, an industrial establishment, or any system; a symbol to express a mathematical operation; technician; manager; mathematical operator; more...
42.) pelilyera
a wooden piece carved in the form of a bird, pineapple, etc., that is used as a decorative centerpiece on a table; centerpiece; carving; decorative piece; more...
43.) pontse
punch; a tool used for stamping or punching holes; a drink, similar to rum, whiskey, etc., mixed with water, juice, and other flavorings; a punch (blow with the fist); hole puncher; stamper; beverage; cocktail; blow; fist; more...
44.) walâng-tarós
not careful in speaking, acting, etc.; reckless; careless; thoughtless; heedless; inconsiderate; more...
45.) analista
an auditor; a person who is assigned to examine a problem, event, etc.; an analyst; analyst; auditor; examiner; inspector; reviewer; more...
46.) transmutasyón
transformation from one form, state, substance, etc., to another; transformation; conversion; metamorphosis; more...
47.) suksók
the act of placing something in between, inside, or on the side of something, such as a wall, pocket, etc.; insert; tuck; stuff; wedge; more...
48.) susesyón
the act of following in a sequence in replacement or succession; the process of succeeding or inheriting a position, title, etc.; succession; sequence; series; more...
49.) poka
1. a seal used as a stamp or adhesive on containers, envelopes, etc.; 2. an engraved piece of metal or similar material used for stamping a design; 3. a substance or tool used for sealing any gaps or cracks; 4. an act or event that guarantees something; 5. an agreement; 6. a sincere promise, especially by a clergyman to keep information confidential; 7. an obligation not to disclose information; 8. an aquatic mammal (order pinnipedia) that eats sea fish, has broad, flat limbs, and feet with webbed toes.; st more...
50.) magmamanók
[noun] a person who has the ability to predict misfortunes or bad events through birds, snakes, rats, etc.; soothsayer; diviner; oracle; prophet; more...
51.) osilasyón
a rapid movement to the left and right; variation in opinion, belief, condition, etc.; regular increase and decrease in value or quantity; sway.; swaying; fluctuation; vibration; swing; wavering; more...
52.) sustantibo
substantive; separate or independent; having a solid foundation; pertaining to rights and responsibilities; an unaltered proposal, resolution, etc.; permanent, not temporary; used or considered as a noun; substantial; independent; permanent; noun; more...
53.) prospektus
prospectus; a printed document that announces or describes an institution, establishment, forthcoming book, etc.; brochure; pamphlet; booklet; more...
54.) piik
the act of placing an object in ash, sand, etc.; embedding; burying; ensconcing; more...
55.) karnérong-dagat
an aquatic mammal (order pinnipedia) that eats sea fish, has broad and flat arms, and feet with webbed toes; also refers to a seal, emblem, or a sticker used on containers, envelopes, etc.; a carved piece of metal or similar for stamping a design; a substance or tool used for sealing any hole or crack; an act or event that guarantees something; an agreement; a sincere promise, especially by a clergyman to keep information confidential; an obligation of non-disclosure of information.; seal; emblem; sticker; more...
56.) dalubasà
[noun] interpreter; a person who orally translates a statement, speech, etc.; translator; more...
57.) balikwasin
[verb] to get somone to rise quickly from bed, etc. more...
67.) embarguhin
[noun] seize goods, property, etc. more...
69.) halikwatin
[verb] to raise or lift something with a lever, etc. more...
70.) halipawpaw
[noun] dirt/oil/scum on the surface of water, etc. more...
72.) higit na mataas
[adjective] higher in position, rank, etc. more...
74.) himas-himasin
[verb] to keep massaging gently, etc. more...
80.) ikapaghirap
[verb] to be the reason for difficulties, poverty, etc. more...
84.) ingkantado
[adjective] bewitched, etc. more...
86.) ipaembargo
[verb] to order some authority to seize goods, property, etc. more...
88.) isalubong
[verb] to cause a sailing vessel to go against the wind, current, etc., or a vehicle against traffic more...
91.) itaning
[verb] to fix the date, time, terms etc., for a particular event, contract, etc. more...
93.) kaburaraán
[noun] carelessness in appearance, dress, habits, etc. more...
94.) kabusisian
[noun] fastidiousness, etc. more...
96.) kalantikan
[noun] graceful curve of eyelashes, hips, etc. more...
97.) kampí-kampí
[adjective] being on the same side in a conflict, etc. more...
99.) katalasan
[noun] 1. sharpness of a cutting edge. 2. sharpness of intellect, sight, etc. more...
100.) katimpalák
[noun] competitor in a literary or beauty contest, etc. more...
101.) katimyasán
[noun] genuineness of love, loyalty, sincerity, etc. more...
106.) lukut-lukot
[adjective] very much rumpled, etc. more...
108.) mabanlikán
[verb] to be choked up with silt, etc. more...
110.) mabudburán
[verb] to be sprinkled with powder, pepper, etc. more...
113.) magbalintuna
[verb] to use irony, metaphors, etc. more...
114.) magbigay-hiyâ
[verb] to show respect for persons, traditions, etc. more...
116.) magborador
[verb] to draw up a draft, rough copy, etc. more...
117.) magbupanda
[verb] to wear a muffler, neckerchief, etc. more...
120.) mag-embargo
[verb] to seize goods, property, etc. more...
122.) maghalikwat
[verb] to raise or lift something with a lever, etc. more...
125.) magitgitan
[verb] to be marked with notches, welts, etc. more...
126.) magkabaklas
[verb] to become disjoined, detached, etc. more...
127.) magkapisan
[verb] to live together in the same place, etc., or as husband and wife more...
128.) magkasapi
[adjective] ref. to two persons who are members of the same organization, etc. more...
129.) magkasinghalaga
[adjective] of equal value, importance, etc. more...
130.) magkatanggal
[verb] to become disjoined, detached, etc. more...
131.) magpakadumog
[verb] to become absorbed in work, etc. more...
132.) magpakumusta
[verb] to send regards, etc. more...
133.) magpaumbok
[verb] to cause to swell, bulge, etc. more...
134.) magpindong
[verb] to cover the head with a handkerchief, etc. more...
136.) magrelyeno
[verb] to prepare or cook into stuffed chicken, fish, turkey, etc. more...
146.) makaginhawa
[verb] to 1. be able to comfort, etc. 2. cause ease, comfort, etc. more...
148.) makahingal
[verb] to cause one to pant, gasp, etc. more...
149.) makapagsaya
[verb] to be able to be happy, etc. more...
150.) makasalunga
[verb] to be able to go against the wind, traffic, etc. more...
157.) malungkutin
[adjective] prone to be melancholic, sad, etc. more...
158.) mamalintuna
[verb] to use irony, metaphors, etc. more...
160.) managudtod
[verb] to keep going persistently along a certain path, etc. (to find the way) more...
164.) mangulabat
[verb] to try to walk by holding on to furniture, etc. (as babies beginning to walk) more...
168.) mapagdiskitahan
[verb] to become the scapegoat of another's blame, anger, etc. more...
169.) mapag-upasala
[adjective] prone to scolding, berating, etc. more...
171.) mapang-upasala
[adjective] prone to scolding, berating, etc. more...
172.) mapaokasyon
[verb] to become involved unexpectedly in some quarrel, etc. more...
174.) mapasawsaw
[verb] to be dipped in water, liquid, etc. more...
185.) matilabsikan
[verb] to become soiled by splashes of liquid, mud, etc. more...
187.) mayakag
[verb] to be able to invite others to join in going to a certain place, do something, etc. more...
188.) may-kakayahan
[adjective] having sufficient power, skill, etc. more...
189.) pabigatan
[verb] to get someone to make something heavier, more difficult, more important, etc. more...
191.) pagbabaluktot
[noun] act of bending, twisting, etc. more...
193.) pagbaluktot
[noun] act of bending, twisting, etc. more...
194.) pagbigyang-hiya
[verb] to show respect for persons, traditions, etc. more...
195.) pagdaluhong
[noun] act of assaulting, stampeding, etc. more...
199.) paghahalwat
[noun] searching by emptying out the contents of a bag, drawer, etc. more...
203.) paghihinas
[noun] application of ointment, etc. more...
205.) pagkaburara
[noun] carelessness in appearance, dress, conduct , etc. more...
206.) pagkagawak
[noun] tearing of cloth, etc. more...
207.) pagkaibis
upon getting out of a vehicle;
[noun] relief from pain, affliction, sorrow, etc. more...
208.) pagkakahiwa-hiwalay
[noun] state of separation, disunion, divorce, etc. more...
209.) pagkakasama-sama
[noun] manner or condition of joining, combining, etc. more...
210.) pagkakasang-ayon
[noun] manner of having agreed, coincided, etc. more...
211.) paglakipin
[verb] to put two or more things in an envelope, bag, etc. more...
212.) pagngulngol
[noun] sucking of candy, etc., or the fingers more...
213.) pagpapabawa
[noun] causing a lessening, mitigation, etc. more...
214.) pagpapahangin
[noun] exposure to air for drying, etc. more...
215.) pagpapanag-uli
[noun] restoration from decay, disuse, etc. more...
216.) pagpapanauhan
[noun] characterization of characters in a narrative, etc. more...
217.) pagpapapintog
[noun] act of causing a inflation with air, gas, etc. more...
221.) pagpupulon
[noun] act of winding something on a spool, etc. more...
222.) pagsabungol
[noun] tearing one's own hair because of frustration, etc. more...
223.) pagsagabal
[noun] act of obstructing, hindering, etc. more...
224.) pagsalansang
[noun] act of opposing against an argument, plan, etc. more...
225.) pagsalusog
[noun] dredging a river, etc., in search for something more...
226.) pagsasangag
[noun] act of roasting coffee, rice, popcorn, etc. more...
227.) pagsilungan
[verb] to use a shelter against rain, sun, etc. more...
228.) pagtamasahan
[verb] to enjoy wealth, good health, etc. more...
229.) pagtatabtab
[noun] act of hewing/trimming stone, wood, etc. more...
230.) pagtatatak
[noun] act of imprinting, impressing, stamping, etc. more...
234.) pagyayangyang
[noun] exposure to the air for warming, drying, etc. more...
237.) pakikisamo
[noun] act of begging earnestly for pardon, etc. more...
238.) pambuwisit
[noun] something that causes annoyance, etc. more...
239.) pamimintog
[noun] act of inflating with air, gas, etc. more...
241.) panlilimot
[noun] act of picking up things from the floor, etc. more...
242.) pansalisig
[noun] anything used in probing a wound or cleaning the ears, etc. more...
243.) papagdiligin
[verb] to get or order someone to water plants, etc. more...
244.) papagtubuin
[verb] to let someone make a profit from sale, investment, etc. more...
249.) patambakan
[verb] to have a low-lying place filled up with earth, gravel, etc. more...
250.) patindigan
[verb] to urge someone to hold firm to his/hers opinion, stand, etc. more...
254.) patunghayan
[verb] to have a newspaper, etc., read by someone more...
255.) patuparín
[verb] to order someone to fulfil (us: fulfill) her/his duty, promise, etc. more...
265.) relyenuhin
[verb] to prepare stuffed chicken, fish, turkey, etc. more...
266.) relyinuhin
[verb] to prepare stuffed chicken, fish, turkey, etc. more...
267.) sakbibihin
[verb] to carry a child, etc., in one's arms close to the chest, or the like more...
268.) salakbatan
[verb] to place something on someone's shoulder, allowing it to hang at the front and back, etc. more...
269.) salaksakin
[verb] to thrust repeatedly with a long pole, etc. more...
272.) salukbitin
[verb] to tuck something in at the waistband, etc. more...
276.) sumalaksák
[verb] to thrust repeatedly with a long pole, etc. more...
278.) tagapagretoke
[noun/adjective] said of a person whose work is to retouch drawings, pictures, etc. more...
279.) tagapagsaad
[noun/adjective] ref. to one representing a group in expressing their opinions, requests, etc. more...
280.) tagapagsara
[noun] one who is making closing remarks at the end of a meeting, etc. more...
281.) tagapagsara
[noun] someone whose duty is to close doors, etc. more...
282.) tagapanamsam
[noun] person who is given the duty of confiscating property, etc. more...
283.) tagaretoke
[noun/adjective] person whose work is to retouch drawings, etc. more...
284.) tagasaád
[noun/adjective] ref. to one representing a group in expressing their opinions, requests, etc. more...
285.) tagasamsám
[noun] person who is given the duty of confiscating property, etc. more...
286.) tagasará
[noun] someone who has the duty of making closing remarks at the end of a meeting, etc.; someone whose duty is to close doors, windows, etc. more...
287.) talukbungán
[verb] to cover one's head and face with a veil, etc. more...
288.) tilabsikán
[verb] to become soiled by splashes of liquid, mud, etc. more...
291.) tumagudtód
[verb] to keep going persistently along a certain path, etc. (to find the way) more...
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