Fish Trap in Tagalog
The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word fish trap.The English word "fish trap" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:
3.) tigpáw
a small fish trap similar to a fish corral used for fishing at night; fish trap; fishing net; more...
5.) paluob
a small, long, and cylindrical trap used for catching fish; fish trap; fishing trap; fish corral; more...
7.) kaság
a square-shaped net made of sinamay fabric attached to crossed bamboos; fishing net; fish trap; more...
8.) bitháy
a circular and passive trap for clams, made out of woven split bamboo; it does not actively capture clams but provides a structure for them to cling to.; fish trap; clam basket; bamboo trap; more...
9.) bukatót
seemingly like a cage used for catching fish; fish trap; fish corral; fish cage; more...
10.) salakáb
a fish trap that is similar to a basket, open and wider at the bottom; fish trap; fishing basket; more...
13.) dagwan
a fish trap that resembles a fish corral, used for catching catfish, and utilized in paete, laguna; fish trap; fish corral; more...
14.) hulyáng
a term in sambal for a river fish trap used for catching shrimp; fish trap; shrimp trap; more...
15.) bakikong
resembles a cage for catching catfish, heart-shaped, made of woven split bamboo, and uses fragrant bait to lure the catfish; fish trap; fish cage; more...
16.) baklár
a variant of baklad; a kind of fish trap or fish corral.; fish trap; fish corral; more...
17.) bangkulóng
[noun] fish trap; bird trap; barricade; blockade more...
18.) pasabíl
a kind of fish trap; a type of fish corral; fish trap; fish corral; weir; fishing gear; more...
19.) pasabal
a fish trap that is set in the shallow parts of the water; fish trap; fishing gear; more...
20.) alibuhón
a small basket or fish trap made of grass or bamboo; fish trap; basket; fish basket; more...
21.) taín
a type of trap that is placed in the river used for catching fish; fish trap; fishing trap; more...
22.) bakutót
resembles a fish cage, made of woven split bamboo, and used in mindoro for catching fish; fish cage; fish trap; more...
24.) basníg
a fishing trap used in deep waters that is set up at night, typically with a bright light, net, and a large boat; fish trap; fishing net; trawling net; more...
25.) sulyáng
bamboo placed in the water as a means to catch fish; fish trap; fishing device; more...
29.) alobohan
a large, deep container for fish; fish trap or fish pen.; fish trap; fish pen; more...
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