
Flapping in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word flapping.

The English word "flapping" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

1.) pamamayagpág - [noun] flapping; flapping one's wings; inflating; boasting about a win more...
2.) kampáy - [noun] flapping more...
3.) pagaypáy - flapping of wings when flying; flapping; fluttering; wing beating; more...
4.) lagilang - hanging loosely and almost tearing apart, used to describe a dry leaf of a palm or banana plant; dangling; hanging; pendulous; flapping; more...
5.) kalandóng - a rustling sound made by a person moving something; the shade of branches; canvas, cloth, or plastic used as a shelter; the flapping of thick fabric or something similar when blown by the wind.; rustling; shade; canopy; flapping; more...
6.) payagpág - flapping; clapping; flap; flutter; clap; more...
7.) mamayagpág - [verb] to promote; to flap one's wings; to boast over a win or success; more...
8.) pumagaspás - [verb] to flap; to rustle (e.g., in the wind) more...
9.) ikampáy - [verb] to flap something (e.g., a wing) more...
10.) ipagaspás - [verb] to flap something (e.g., wings) more...

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