Flat in Tagalog
The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word flat.The English word "flat" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:
Best translations for the English word flat in Tagalog:
More matches for "flat" in Tagalog:
1.) timón
a wide, flat, and movable piece of wood or metal that is attached to the stern of a boat or ship, and used as a guide or rudder; rudder; helm; more...
2.) sapád
having a flat surface; without bumps or indentations; flat; level; even; smooth; more...
4.) palangán
ponyfish; a type of small, flat, and round-bodied fish (genus leiognathus) commonly growing up to 10 cm in length; the process of peeling sugarcane; sugarcane peeling; more...
5.) sapsáp
a type of fish (genus leiognathus) that is small, flat, and round-bodied, usually growing up to 10 cm in length; ponyfish; slipmouth; more...
7.) talapyâ
flat; having a level surface; without bumps or depressions; horizontally level; even; level; plane; smooth; more...
8.) pangloót
a small, flat, usually wooden tool used for scraping or smoothing surfaces; scraper; smoother; more...
9.) dayapá
prostrate; lying down flat or drooping, like the prostrate stalks of rice or grass; flat; drooping; supine; more...
10.) maluway
slipmouth; a type of small, flat, and round-bodied fish (genus leiognathus) that usually grows up to 10 cm in length; the act of peeling sugarcane.; ponyfish; peeling; more...
12.) kuliró
a sound that is not clear or resonant, like that of counterfeit coins; dull; muffled; flat; more...
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