
Flutter in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word flutter.

The English word "flutter" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translation for the English word flutter in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. magwagaywáy   [verb] to wave; to flutter; to wag more...

More matches for "flutter" in Tagalog:

1.) wumagaywáy - [verb] to wave; to flutter; to fly (a flag) more...
2.) pagwawagaywáy - [noun] waving; fluttering (e.g., of a flag); wagging (e.g., of a tail) more...
3.) pagakpák - [noun] fluttering of wings more...
4.) wagaywáy - movement of any cloth that is exposed to the wind; flutter; wave; flap; more...
5.) galbó - a gentle carrying away of paper or anything light by the wind; waft; flutter; drift; more...
6.) kandót - the movement of the hem of a garment or anything hanging from it while dancing; flutter; sway; swing; more...
7.) kambáng - a motion as if floating, like that of a skirt being blown by the wind or the flapping of wings; flutter; flap; waft; billow; more...
8.) agsáw - the motion of a disturbed fish; flurry; flutter; thrashing; splashing; more...
9.) bugaygáy - to shake or wave one's hair or clothing; shake; flutter; wave; flap; more...
10.) payagpág - flapping; clapping; flap; flutter; clap; more...
11.) alinaynáy - the motion of the tips of grass when touched or grazed by an animal; sway; flutter; quiver; more...
12.) sumalipadpad - [verb] to flutter, fly, glide or sail around more...

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