Fragrant Flowers in Tagalog
The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word fragrant flowers.The English word "fragrant flowers" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:
1.) malakabuyaw
a tree (chaetospermum glutinosum) that grows up to 10 meters high, with a thorny body, trifoliate leaves, fragrant flowers, and fruit that is greenish, rough, oval-shaped, seedy, and covered with a fibrous skin; chaetospermum glutinosum; thorny tree; more...
2.) lagnâ
a shrub (poikilospermum suaveolens) that is a climber, with oblong leaves, fragrant flowers, and considered as a medicinal plant; climbing shrub; medicinal plant; more...
3.) gardenya
a shrub (gardenia jasminoides), 3 meters in height, with shiny and vivid green leaves, and large, white, fragrant flowers, native to china and japan and possibly introduced to the philippines before the arrival of the spaniards.; gardenia; cape jasmine; more...
4.) kítingkiting
a low-growing tree (micromelum compressum) characterized by hairy stems and leaves, fragrant flowers, round fruit that turns yellow when ripe, and wood that is used for making knife handles.; parinlas; more...
5.) piris
a low-growing tree (micromelum compressum) with hairy stems and leaves, fragrant flowers, round fruit that turns yellow when ripe, and wood that is used for making knife handles; micromelum compressum; low-growing tree; fragrant flower tree; more...
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