
Guffaw in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word guffaw.

The English word "guffaw" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translation for the English word guffaw in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. halakhák   [noun] a loud, hearty laugh; guffaw; boisterous laughing more...

More matches for "guffaw" in Tagalog:

1.) hikí - [noun] a laugh that is extremely loud; guffaw; belly laugh; roar of laughter; more...
2.) hágikgikan - simultaneous sudden laughter; guffaw; burst of laughter; peal of laughter; more...
3.) lagaák - [noun] a loud, hearty laugh; guffaw; boisterous laughing more...
4.) ngisláw - to laugh heartily without embarrassment and calling the attention of everyone; guffaw; cackle; chortle; howl; more...
5.) lagasáw - boisterous laughter; the sound of loud, careless, but merry laughter; the loud sound of water cascading from a high area such as a waterfall; uproarious laughter; guffaw; cascade; more...
6.) lapyák - guffaw; loud, hearty laughter; chuckle; laugh; giggle; snicker; hoot; more...
7.) tayrók - a loud, careless, but joyful laughter; the loud sound of water falling from a high place like a waterfall; guffaw; cachinnation; roar of laughter; waterfall sound; more...
8.) halalhál - [noun] a loud, hearty laugh; guffaw; boisterous laughing more...
9.) galaak - to suddenly laugh out loud continuously; guffaw; burst into laughter; roar with laughter; more...
10.) buluswák - a sudden burst; sound of loud, careless, yet cheerful laughter; strong sound of water cascading from a high area such as a waterfall; guffaw; cackle; roar; waterfall; cascade; more...
11.) lagunglóng - a boisterous laughter; the sound of loud, reckless, yet joyful laughter; a loud sound of water falling from a high place like a waterfall.; boisterous laughter; roaring; guffaw; waterfall sound; more...
12.) hagakhák - loud laughter or the act of laughing loudly; guffaw; belly laugh; roar of laughter; more...
13.) hagalhál - the sound of loud, careless, but joyful laughter; guffaw; belly laugh; roar of laughter; more...
14.) humalakhák - [verb] to laugh loudly, heartily or boisterously more...

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