
Herb in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word herb.

The English word "herb" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translations for the English word herb in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. damóng-gamót   [noun] herb more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. yerba   a plant that is not woody and dies after blooming; herb; annual plant; more...

More matches for "herb" in Tagalog:

1.) malunggáy - [noun] a common leafy green vegetable/herb in the Philippines with a taste like horseradish that is full of vitamins and often used to treat illness more...
2.) menta - a word referring to mint; any aromatic herb (mentha piperita); a candy offered after lunch or dinner; a chewed candy; a facility for coinage, paper currency, and special medals under the supervision and authority of the government; mint.; peppermint; spearmint; herb; coinage; mint candy; mint; more...
3.) galura - a term referring to a type of shrub; specifically, the acanthus ilicifolius which is straight and smooth with paired thorns at the base of the stem, and has sap used for making soap; or the herb argemone mexicana which is straight and fleshy, with greenish-white leaves, and yellow flowers during summer; also used to describe something that is tangled or in disarray.; shrub; herb; hedge; tangle; disarray; more...
4.) sabiyá - a type of herb; herb; more...
5.) dumero - a medicinal plant that has an upright shrub, growing up to 1 meter in height; medicinal plant; herb; shrub; more...
6.) panobolin - a medicinal plant also called malakbak in marinduque; herb; medicinal herb; more...
7.) piyédekabra - a type of herb; peacock's tail; herb; medicinal plant; ornamental plant; more...
8.) lágiwlagiw - a term used to describe a smooth and straight shrub (acanthus ilicifolius) with paired thorns at the base of the stem, and a sap that is used in making soap; or a herb (argemone mexicana) that is upright and fleshy, with bluish-green leaves, and yellow flowers during the summer; synonymous with diliwariw.; shrub; herb; smooth; straight; more...
9.) lamudyò - a type of grass (carum copticum) that grows to a height of 30-90 cm, has white flowers, small and round fruits, and is a source of oil.; herb; ajwain; carom; more...
10.) sukla - a type of herb or small tree; herb; shrub; small tree; more...
11.) dagwa - a straight and smooth shrub (acanthus ilicifolius) with paired spines at the base of the stem, and with sap used in making soap; a herb (argemone mexicana) that is straight and plump with greenish-white leaves, and yellow flowers in summer; disarray.; shrub; herb; disarray; more...
12.) tindoy - a straight and smooth shrub known as acanthus ilicifolius with paired thorns at the base of the stem and a sap used for making soap; an herb known as argemone mexicana that is straight and stout with greenish-white leaves and yellow flowers during summer; a term also used to describe something that is wavering or unsteady; shrub; herb; wavering; unsteady; more...
13.) alupayi - [noun] alupayi: a type of sprawling herb (homalomena philippinensis) with heart-shaped leaves; herb; homalomena philippinensis; plant; more...
14.) kalampák - a type of herb; herb; plant; more...
15.) tamaulí - a type of herb; herb; more...
16.) lampayong - a type of herb; herb; more...
17.) eskórsonera - a type of grass or herb in the garden; grass; herb; more...
18.) sula-sulasihan - a kind of herb; herb; medicinal plant; more...
19.) karlíng - a type of fragrant herb; herb; aromatic plant; more...
20.) dalopana - a species of grass or herb; grass; herb; more...
21.) malabawang - a herb (eleutherine palmifolia) with long leaves and white flowers, native to tropical america; herb; plant; more...
22.) kamandalhian - a type of herb; herb; more...
23.) kamandalian - a type of herb; herb; more...
24.) untian - a kind of herb; herb; more...
25.) suntíng - a type of herb that comes from acapulco; herb; plant; flora; more...
26.) diliwaryo - a type of herb; herb; more...
27.) hunsiyá - a type of medicinal plant; herb; medicinal herb; more...
28.) tagalwát - a type of herb; herb; more...
29.) matáng-uláng - type of herb; herb; more...
30.) uhongain - a kind of herb; herb; plant; more...
31.) malakagyós - a species of plant; plant; flora; vegetation; herb; more...
32.) sugandá - an herb (coleus amboinicus) that is upright, green in color, aromatic, and used as a spice and medicine.; oregano; herb; aromatic plant; medicinal plant; more...
33.) timbáng-timbáng - a plant (dischidia platyphylla) that has a slender stem, with small flowers that have a yellowish corolla.; plant; herb; vine; more...
34.) patogo - a type of herb; herb; more...
35.) uwór-uworan - a type of herb; herb; plant; more...
36.) tígiulí - a herb used for divination or as a love charm; herb; charm; love potion; amulet; more...
37.) matáng-dulóng - a type of herb; herb; more...
38.) ígat-igat - a herb (sida javensis) that has a stem growing up to 60 cm long, rounded leaves, fruit with five carpels, and is used as a medicine for gonorrhea; herb; medicinal plant; more...
39.) lingí - a type of herb; herb; more...
40.) pupotan - a type of herb with yellow flowers; herb; yellow-flowered plant; more...
41.) katalá - a type of herb; herb; more...
42.) tamoholan - a type of herb; herb; more...
43.) tamonkasí - a species of herb; herb; more...
44.) lingíndayát - a species of grass; grass; weed; herb; more...
45.) tugî-tugi`an - a type of herb; herb; plant; more...
46.) tampinamo - a type of herb; herb; more...
47.) lumpoy - a type of herb; herb; more...

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