
Hit in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word hit.

The English word "hit" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translations for the English word hit in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. paluin   [verb] to spank someone; to beat someone/something; to hit someone/something; to whip someone/something; to strike someone/something Example Sentences Available Icon2 Example Sentences Available » more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. suntók   [noun] punch; a hit with the fist more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. puma   [verb] to spank; to whip; to hit; to beat; to flog more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. humampás   [verb] to whack; to swat; to brush against (e.g., the wind) more...

More matches for "hit" in Tagalog:

1.) ta - 1.) [adjective] right; correct; proper; all right; exact; reliable; just right; right; 2.) [adjective] enough; that's enough; 3.) [noun] hit; correct answer; shot; 4.) [interjection] I agree. Example Sentences Available Icon24 Example Sentences Available » more...
2.) tamaan - [verb] to answer something correctly; to hit (strike) something; to get the winning number; to spank someone Example Sentences Available Icon8 Example Sentences Available » more...
3.) tumira - [verb] to hit someone; to attack someone; to make a move in game; to verbally attack someone; to fuck (slang) Example Sentences Available Icon3 Example Sentences Available » more...
4.) tuma - 1.) [verb] to be correct; to hit (the mark); 2.) [verb] to win (e.g., the lottery, or a game of chance) Example Sentences Available Icon6 Example Sentences Available » more...
5.) tirahin - [verb] to strike or hit something; to pop something (e.g., a drug); to take a hit of something; to fuck someone (slang/vulgar) more...
6.) bugbugín - [verb] to beat someone/something; to beat up someone/something; to hit something Example Sentences Available Icon1 Example Sentence Available » more...
7.) hampasín - [verb] to whack something; to smack something; to swat something; to hit something Example Sentences Available Icon1 Example Sentence Available » more...
8.) masagasaan - [verb] to get hit (AF); to get run over (AF); to hit someone/something with a vehicle (OF); * used when someone is hit by a vehicle Example Sentences Available Icon2 Example Sentences Available » more...
9.) hirit - [noun] striking; strike; chiming in; talking back; retort; remarks; engaging in banter; calling for; asking; hit; puff; requesting; [adjective] full force more...
10.) madale - [verb] to be hit; to hit on something more...
11.) bugbóg - [noun] hit; beating; pounding; [adjective] hurt from being beat more...
12.) hataw - [noun] beat; beating; thrashing; spanking; hit; [expression] get to it; give it all you've got; go all out Example Sentences Available Icon4 Example Sentences Available » more...
13.) mabundól - [verb] to get hit (AF); to hit something (OF) Example Sentences Available Icon1 Example Sentence Available » more...
14.) kutusán - [verb] to hit someone on the head with one's knuckles more...
15.) gulpí - [noun] hit; strike; beating; blow more...
16.) lumarga - 1.) [verb] to hit; to punch; 2.) [verb] to slacken; 3.) [verb] to get moving more...
17.) humataw - [verb] to thrash; to hit; to make waves more...
18.) matumbók - [noun] to hit; to hit the center of something; to hit exactly; to be spot on more...
19.) pama - [noun] an object used to beat or hit something else; paddle more...
20.) hatawin - [verb] to strike something; to hit something Example Sentences Available Icon1 Example Sentence Available » more...
21.) pagta - [noun] hitting; hit more...
22.) hithít - [noun] inhale; inhalation; sip; smoking; smoking an illegal drug; taking a hit more...
23.) manuntók - [verb] to punch; to hit more...
24.) magta - [verb] to correct; to tally; to hit more...
25.) masapól - [verb] to be hit with something (AF); to hit something (OF) more...
26.) tungkurín - [verb] to hit with an object more...
27.) saga - [noun] hit by a vehicle (car/truck/bus/etc.); crashing into something more...
28.) sapulín - [verb] to hit on target; to hit the right spot; to hit the bull's eye more...
29.) biwas - a strike; a swift or forceful blow; strike; blow; hit; punch; more...
30.) dumale - [verb] to hit; to attack more...
31.) sumapól - [verb] to hit more...
32.) puliagan - a strike; a hit; hit; strike; beat; whack; bash; more...
33.) pitos - slap; smack; hit; more...
34.) tangkól - slap or the act of slapping; slap; smack; hit; more...
35.) katibog - [noun] hit; beating; pounding; [adjective] hurt from being beat more...
36.) talampí - striking or slapping using the hands; slap; smack; hit; strike; more...
37.) bontók - [noun] punch; a hit with the fist more...
38.) sumbî - punch, usually to the chin or mouth; punch; jab; hit; strike; more...
39.) dumá - [verb] to spank someone; to beat someone/something; to hit someone/something; to whip someone/something; to strike someone/something more...
40.) dunggíl - [noun] light bump; light hit more...
41.) bugabóg - [noun] hit; beating; pounding; [adjective] hurt from being beat more...
42.) songgó - punch or strike; punch; hit; strike; blow; smack; more...
43.) sapatusin - [verb] to hit someone with one's shoes more...
44.) songilngíl - [noun] striking someone on the mouth; slap; smack; hit; more...
45.) sungkól - to hit or to punch using a fist.; strike; punch; hit; more...
46.) kulatanin - [verb] to hit (someone or something) with the butt of a rifle more...
47.) magdalihan - [verb] to hit, attack or hurt one another more...
48.) tumumbók - [verb] to hit / land more...
49.) asód - [noun] hit; beating; pounding; [adjective] hurt from being beat more...
50.) lapár - a strike on the back; slap; smack; hit; whack; more...
51.) hagibás - a strike or hit with a blindfold, as in the game of pabitin; strike; hit; whip; lash; more...
52.) hampilos - a strong, vigorous slap or stroke; slap; smack; hit; strike; more...
53.) manghampás - [verb] to swat; to hit more...
54.) patamain - [verb] cause something to hit the target more...
55.) isalpók - [verb] to cause something to hit something else more...
56.) dunggól - [noun] jab; light bump; light hit more...
57.) dalihin - [verb] to hit; to take action; to hurry something up more...
58.) kantiín - [verb] to touch; to hit lightly more...
59.) aklás - [noun] strike more...
60.) dagukan - [verb] to punch something more...
61.) mágulungan - [verb] to run over something (OF); to be run over (AF) Example Sentences Available Icon1 Example Sentence Available » more...
62.) talsikán - [verb] to to splatter something; to splash something more...
63.) aklasan - [noun] strike more...

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