

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word ilang.

Definition of ilang:

"ilan" + "ng"

* ilang is a combination of the word "ilán" + plus the ligature "g" to create: "ilang".
Read more about Filipino language ligature grammar here »

1 [question word] how many
2 [adjective] some; a few; a number of; several

This is only a partial description for the base word.
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* recommended.
Example Sentences:
Iláng beses nang hinulaan ni Bebang ang pagbagsák ni Rodrigo.
Play audio #47126Audio Loop
Bebang has predicted Rodrigo's downfall several times.
Iláng tao ang nagtrabaho para itayô ang gusa?
Play audio #34305 Play audio #34306Audio Loop
How many people worked to construct the building?
Makákaharáp ka ng iláng problema sa kalusugan kung kulang ka sa ehersisyo.
Play audio #38956Audio Loop
You will face a number of health risks as a result of lack of exercise.
Maghintáy ka ng iláng taón para matamó ang pagkilalang ináasám mo.
Play audio #41638Audio Loop
Wait for several years to gain the recognition you aspire for.
Huwág mawalán ng pag-asa kahit iláng beses ka pang mabigô.
Play audio #38453Audio Loop
Don't give up hope even if you fail many times.
Iláng taón ka nang nagtátrabaho dito?
Play audio #34300 Play audio #34301Audio Loop
How many years have you been working here?
Hindî naráratíng ng iláng tao ang mithiing iyón.
Play audio #44893Audio Loop
Some people do not progress toward that ideal.
Mas nakakalaban sa mga peste ang iláng halaman.
Play audio #47978Audio Loop
Some plants have greater resistance to pests.
Iláng buwán kong pinaghandaán ang bakasyón ko sa Europa.
Play audio #47164Audio Loop
I prepared my European vacarion for months.
Itó ang problemang iláng oras na niláng sinásagután.
Play audio #46999Audio Loop
This is the problem that they've been working on for hours.
Iláng taón nang hindî nagpeperfórm si Jose.
Play audio #46956Audio Loop
Jose hasn't been performing for several years.
Iláng metro ang ha ng tela?
Play audio #39616Audio Loop
How many meters is the fabric?
Iláng araw mayroón sa Hulyo?
Play audio #39894Audio Loop
How many days are there in July?
May iláng bagay na dapat kong makasanayan.
Play audio #45271Audio Loop
There are some things I should get used to
Iláng beses kang sinitá ni Rafael?
Play audio #37365Audio Loop
How many times did Rafael question you?

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