
In Batangas in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word in batangas.

The English word "in batangas" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

1.) panuligan - in batangas, a net used for catching tuna; tuna net; fishing net; more...
2.) tam-isan - in batangas, the term for a type of sweet coconut.; sweet coconut; more...
3.) piyangká - in batangas, a type of wooden chair with a hook, which they use to carry loads; portable wooden chair; load-carrying chair; more...
4.) pasalambang - in batangas, a type of fishing that resembles a dragnet; dragnet; net fishing; seine; more...
5.) haluthalót - in batangas, thin in peeling; thinly peeled; finely peeled; more...
6.) haluthót - inconsistent or shoddy; in batangas, to peel thinly or to sew poorly; sloppy or not well-executed.; shoddy; sloppy; poorly made; thinly peeled; more...
7.) buksí - in batangas, to open; open; unlock; unseal; more...
8.) sinsórong-panalikop - a supporting tool; in batangas, a net for catching tuna.; tuna net; fishing net; more...
9.) gingin - in batangas, this is akin to the word 'giing'.; giing; more...
10.) pungkò - in batangas, a lump on the forehead or other parts of the body; lump; bump; swelling; protuberance; more...

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