Excuse in Tagalog
The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word excuse.The English word "excuse" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:
Best translations for the English word excuse in Tagalog:
More matches for "excuse" in Tagalog:
1.) takì
[noun] evasion or anything done to escape an obligation or necessity; evasion; excuse; pretext; more...
2.) palusót
[noun] excuse; pretense; excusing oneself (from the table, from a meeting, etc.); getting away with; dodging; [adjective] on the way to squeezing by; going to pass through a narrow place;
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4.) eme
1.) not true; just kidding; (slang);
2.) [noun] excuse; pretense; (slang);
3.) [noun/slang] thingy; doodad; whatsit; (slang); more...
9.) pagpapaumanhín
the act of giving an apology to someone who has requested it; apology; forgiveness; excuse; atonement; contrition; more...
10.) diskulpa
[noun] reason; cause; excuse; purpose; the reason why; alibi; factor; account; so as to; as a way to more...
11.) patangín
chopping block; a thick and usually large block of wood on which vegetables, meat, etc. are chopped; crossed metal braces that are attached to a boat to strengthen it; an excuse used to get away with a wrongdoing; cutting board; brace; pretext; excuse; more...
12.) sintabì
a root word of 'pasintabi' that denotes respect, especially when seeking permission; excuse; pardon; consideration; more...
14.) magpaumanhín
[verb] to accept an apology; to forgive; forgive; accept an apology; pardon; excuse; more...
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