
Leaning in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word leaning.

The English word "leaning" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translation for the English word leaning in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. nakahilig   [adjective] leaning; reclining on; slanted more...

More matches for "leaning" in Tagalog:

1.) makiling - [adjective] biased; favoring one side: leaning more...
2.) nakasandál - [adjective] leaning more...
3.) sandál - [noun] leaning on something more...
4.) nakasandíg - [adjective] reclining; leaning back; supported on; perched on more...
5.) nakatungkod - [adjective] leaning on more...
6.) sanlág - the act of felling or inclining one tree on top of another tree; felling; toppling; leaning; more...
7.) biíng - leaning or tilted; slanted; leaning; tilted; angled; askew; more...
8.) pihol - leaning against; propped up; leaning; propped; supported; resting against; more...
9.) ingklinasyón - an attitude or disposition that leans towards something; inclination; tendency; predisposition; bias; leaning; more...
10.) hapáy - slanted in arrangement; tilted in position; slanted; tilted; leaning; inclined; askew; more...
11.) ulipás - [adjective] leaning; reclining on; slanted more...
12.) dapuyóg - adj. leaning; having a tilted or inclined posture; at a loss or disadvantaged; tilted; inclined; leaning; lopsided; at a loss; disadvantaged; more...
13.) balasó - the list or tilt of a boat due to the improper arrangement of its cargo; list; tilt; leaning; more...
14.) banlilíng - leaning or bent towards one side; inclined; tilted; slanted; leaning; bent; more...
15.) duhapang - [noun] lurching forward; leaning forward; reaching toward more...
16.) sumandál - [verb] to recline; to lean on; to rest on more...
17.) kumiling - [verb] to favor; to lean; to lean forward more...
18.) dumagán - [verb] to put a weight on something; to lean on something; to weigh on something; more...

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