Movement in Tagalog
The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word movement.The English word "movement" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:
Best translations for the English word movement in Tagalog:
More matches for "movement" in Tagalog:
2.) pagkilos
[noun] movement; action; activity; behavior; conduct; attitude; demeanor; way; more...
6.) bantág
[noun] the act of moving or shaking, similar to when a person is pacing or walking about; movement; shaking; pacing; trembling; more...
11.) lipót
the act of moving from one part to another; transfer; transition; relocation; movement; shift; more...
12.) golobhí
movement or any action that causes change; motion; movement; activity; action; more...
13.) mobimyentó
movement; motion; activity; more...
14.) pangiwakyó
the movement of the feet or legs while speaking; gesticulation; movement; more...
16.) lokomosyón
motion or the force of it from one place to another; motion; locomotion; movement; more...
17.) pándarayuhan
[noun] variant of pandadayuhan; migration; emigration; immigration; relocation; movement; more...
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