
Indentation in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word indentation.

The English word "indentation" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

1.) lahab - engraving, dent, or mark left on wood, soft metal, or anything similar; indentation; notch; groove; scar; more...
2.) patyá - a cut or notch similar to those on the edges of blades like machetes, chisels, axes, and others; notch; nick; cut; indentation; more...
3.) gutlî - a notch or groove in bamboo or cane; notch; groove; indentation; more...
4.) dahaka - a notch made in wood when it starts to split to prevent further splitting; notch; groove; indentation; more...
5.) tiyáb - a notch or incision made on the trunk of a tree, a post, or similar objects to facilitate climbing; notch; groove; indentation; more...
6.) utab - a notch or hollow on the side of wood; notch; indentation; hollow; groove; more...
7.) lihib - a hole made in wood that only goes halfway through; notch; groove; indentation; more...

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