
Isolated in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word isolated.

The English word "isolated" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

1.) mahiwaláy - [verb] to be separated; to be set apart of isolated; to be able to separate more...
2.) mailáp - [adjective] wild; hermitted; isolated; elusive; more...
3.) pulô - [noun] island; isolated place more...
4.) despoblado - a land or town that is remote or secluded; uninhabited; desolate; remote; secluded; isolated; more...
5.) amót - remote; secluded; isolated; out-of-the-way; off the beaten path; more...
6.) gangsál - a person or thing that has no companion; solitary; lone; alone; unaccompanied; isolated; more...
7.) apartado - far or distanced from others; separated; isolated; detached; remote; more...
8.) nukór - crushed and set aside; separated; crushed; isolated; set apart; more...
9.) ayslado - [adjective] covered, wrapped, enveloped, or separated using a material that prevents or reduces the flow, transfer, or leakage of heat, electricity, or sound; insulated; isolated; more...
10.) porô - [noun] island; isolated place more...

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