
Jab in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word jab.

The English word "jab" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

1.) sundót - [noun] jab; prod; poke; [adjective] picked; jabbed; poked more...
2.) dutdót - [noun] poke; jab more...
3.) dunggól - [noun] jab; light bump; light hit more...
4.) dutdutín - [verb] to poke or jab something; to take a jab at something more...
5.) sumundót - [verb] to jab; to poke; to prod; more...
6.) taplî - an abrupt nudge or bump on the side; a sudden collision on the flank; nudge; bump; jolt; jab; more...
7.) tudlís - a small prick with a sharp point in order to draw blood; prick; poke; jab; more...
8.) siról - the act of poking sand, ash, and the like with a stick or metal rod; poke; prod; jab; more...
9.) sumbî - punch, usually to the chin or mouth; punch; jab; hit; strike; more...
10.) tisak - to poke with a stick; to elbow or nudge; poke; prod; jab; nudge; elbow; more...
11.) sondól - the act of poking with a stick or finger; poke; prod; jab; more...
12.) dangat - [noun] prick; stab; poke; jab; more...
13.) tikwíl - to hurt using the elbow; elbow; nudge; jab; more...
14.) torlók - the act of poking with a long object like a stick.; poke; jab; prod; thrust; more...
15.) pungká - poking with the use of fingers; poke; prod; jab; more...

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