
Jar in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word jar.

The English word "jar" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translations for the English word jar in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. bangâ   [noun] jar; native earthen jar Example Sentences Available Icon1 Example Sentence Available » more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. garapón   [noun] jar more...

More matches for "jar" in Tagalog:

1.) gu - [noun] jar; vase more...
2.) tapayán - [noun] clay jar more...
3.) limpít - a jar with a wide opening; jar; pot; vessel; more...
4.) limpík - a jar or a large pot that has a handle; jar; pot; urn; more...
5.) sayáp - a low jar with a wide opening; jar; pot; more...
6.) praskó - a type of bottle usually used as a container for perfume, jam, and syrup; jar; flask; container; more...
7.) pagnan - a type of small containers; vessel; container; pot; jar; more...
8.) kapsâ - a jar with a handle, commonly used as a container for oil; jar; pitcher; jug; more...
9.) kalambâ - a large container for liquid, with a wide opening, and made of clay; jar; pot; urn; more...
10.) limeta - a squat bottle with a wide body and a large mouth; jar; jug; wide-mouthed bottle; more...
11.) baboksít - a small jar; a small earthenware pot; pot; jar; earthenware; more...
12.) talaya - a small vessel; a tiny container.; pot; pan; crock; vessel; jar; more...
13.) garápinyera - jar; a glass or plastic container with a wide opening that can be sealed; container; vessel; more...
14.) daba - large clay pot; jar; pot; earthenware pot; more...
15.) abrám - large jar; jar; vessel; pot; urn; more...
16.) nagtoróng - a type of jar; jar; vessel; pot; more...
17.) pupóng - a jar that has been beheaded or had its top removed; jar; pot; container; more...
18.) balát-duhat - a type of vase shaped like a duhat fruit; often used for decorative purposes; vase; jar; container; more...
19.) babangán - a small jar without a handle or grip; jar; pot; vessel; more...
20.) palonkanláng - a small bottle with a wide mouth; jar; pot; vessel; more...
21.) gogolin - a round and colored container; jar; pot; vessel; more...
22.) kandí - a jar or container with a narrow neck.; jar; pitcher; vessel; jug; flask; more...
23.) dikín - a support or stand for a pot, jar, pan, and other similar items, made from woven bamboo or rattan, and arranged in a circular shape like a ring; trivet; pot stand; ring support; more...
24.) kalapatyâ - shard; a piece of a broken pot, jar, or similar ceramic or earthenware; fragment; piece; chip; more...

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