

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word mapatigil in the Tagalog Dictionary.

Definition for the Tagalog word mapatigil:

mapatigil  Play audio #24789
[verb] to stop
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; to freeze (one's motion); to stop suddenly; to stop a bad habit; to suddenly stop something
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Verb conjugations of mapatigil:

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Root: tigilConjugation Type: Mapa-
Completed (Past):
Uncompleted (Present):
Contemplated (Future):
mapatigil  Play audio #24789
Completed (Past):
napatigil  Play audio #24790
Uncompleted (Present):
napápatigil  Play audio #24791
Contemplated (Future):
mapápatigil  Play audio #24792
Verb family:
tumigil  |  
tigilan  |  
itigil  |  
matigil  |  
ipatigil  |  
magtigil  |  
magpatigil  |  
ipatigilin  |  
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Kailangan nating mapatigil ang kónstruksiyón ng gusa.
Play audio #49002Audio Loop
We need to stop the construction of the building.
Napatigil si Marga sa kaniyáng ginagawâ nang dumatíng si Kristoff.
Play audio #48999Audio Loop
Marga stopped what she was doing when Kristoff arrived.
Napápatigil silá sa pagkantá sa tuwíng pumípiyók si Carlos.
Play audio #48998Audio Loop
They stop singing every time Carlos is out of tune.
Mapápatigil lang natin ang pagpasá ng pánukaláng batás kapág nagkáisá tayo.
Play audio #48997Audio Loop
We can only stop the passage of the bill if we unite.
Walâ kang magagawâ para mapatigil itó.
Play audio #28890 Play audio #28891Audio Loop
There's nothing you can do to stop it.

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How to pronounce mapatigil:

Play audio #24789
Markup Code:
Related Filipino Words:
Related English Words:
freezefreezedfrozefreezingstop suddenlystopstopsstoppedstoppingstop a bad habitstop bad habitstopping a bad habit
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