Medicinal Plant in Tagalog
The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word medicinal plant.The English word "medicinal plant" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:
1.) sugandá
an herb (coleus amboinicus) that is upright, green in color, aromatic, and used as a spice and medicine.; oregano; herb; aromatic plant; medicinal plant; more...
2.) bukabok
a shrub that grows in coastal areas and whose boiled roots are used as a medicine for beriberi and syphilis.; seashore shrub; medicinal plant; more...
3.) pahihitnanà
a herb that absorbs pus; drawing herb; poultice plant; medicinal plant; more...
4.) alahán
a shrub or small tree that has gray, mottled and smooth bark, and has roots that can be used as medicine.; medicinal plant; shrub; small tree; more...
5.) ígat-igat
a herb (sida javensis) that has a stem growing up to 60 cm long, rounded leaves, fruit with five carpels, and is used as a medicine for gonorrhea; herb; medicinal plant; more...
6.) dumero
a medicinal plant that has an upright shrub, growing up to 1 meter in height; medicinal plant; herb; shrub; more...
7.) piyédekabra
a type of herb; peacock's tail; herb; medicinal plant; ornamental plant; more...
8.) bukinga
a species of grass that can be used as medicine; medicinal grass; healing herb; medicinal plant; more...
9.) olibato
a vine (anredera scandens) that has thick roots used for treating boils; vine; medicinal plant; more...
10.) lagnâ
a shrub (poikilospermum suaveolens) that is a climber, with oblong leaves, fragrant flowers, and considered as a medicinal plant; climbing shrub; medicinal plant; more...
11.) lansi-lansinaan
a shrub (jatropha gossypifolia) that has purple flowers, and the oil extracted from its seeds is believed to be a remedy for leprosy; purple-flowered shrub; jatropha; medicinal plant; more...
12.) alimpáy
[noun] a shrub (croton caudatus) with leaves that can be used as a poultice for swollen or painful parts of the body.; medicinal plant; healing shrub; poultice plant; more...
13.) sula-sulasihan
a kind of herb; herb; medicinal plant; more...
14.) asimaw
1. harrisonia perforata, a shrub that grows 2-4 meters high, with thorny branches and hairy leaves, whose root bark is used as medicine for diarrhea; 2. boiled meat seasoned with ginger; shrub; medicinal plant; boiled meat dish; more...
15.) búlak-bulak
búlak-búlak; a dense shrub (thespesia lampas), with yellow flowers, considered as a medicinal plant; amagong; shrub; medicinal plant; more...
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