
Murmur in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word murmur.

The English word "murmur" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translation for the English word murmur in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. aliw-íw   a soft sound of flowing water; babble; murmur; ripple; more...

More matches for "murmur" in Tagalog:

1.) tangilis - [noun] urning away while whispering; murmur; mutter; whisper; more...
2.) lingawngáw - a sound or noise that is indistinct and originates from a multitude; din; buzz; hum; murmur; commotion; more...
3.) ngalutngót - the act of insisting or pleading with accompanying crying or whimpering; a hidden sound of gnawing as done by a mouse in the corners of a room; a simmering anger; a pinch.; whimpering; sobbing; gnawing; murmur; throb; more...
4.) ayaas - a noise that is not too loud, similar to the sound when something is being carried away; rustle; whisper; murmur; hush; more...
5.) ambiwan - to whisper or talk in hushed tones regarding a few individuals who are not present; whisper; murmur; gossip; more...
6.) labig - a low voice with a soft sound; murmuring; murmur; muttering; whisper; mumble; hum; more...
7.) haluyhóy - sigh; moan; whisper; murmur; more...
8.) waliswís - a gentle rustling or murmuring sound; rustle; whisper; murmur; more...
9.) alim-ím - unclear or improper articulation of words; mumble; murmur; slur; indistinct speech; more...
10.) aluy-oy - a gentle and rhythmic sound of a soft breeze.; murmur; whisper; hum; rustle; more...
11.) hagawháw - an unintelligible sound of loud whispering; murmur; mumble; mutter; whisper; more...
12.) umaliw-iw - [verb] to murmur (like the sound of flowing water) more...

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